Story Ideas (I lost count)

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I was watching . . . I don't know, but I was just spaced out I think. Probably in my dream-world again. And I just saw a full 10 minute scene of Minx and Chilled fighting.

And, I just was like: YES. This is what I need.

So here is the idea:

Series of Wars

Name: Unknown

Code Name: Minx

Age: 19

Abilities: Transportation, Invisibility and Agility

Description: Quick, Stealthy, Thief-like rogue.


Name: Unknown

Code Name: Chilled

Age: 19

Abilities: Super Strength, Speed and Amazing Aim

Description: Strong, build-like warrior


Name: Adam

Code Name: SeaNanners

Age: 21

Abilities: Manipulative and Strong Sympathy

Description: Convincing, Devious.


Name: Unknown

Code Name: Cry

Age: 19

Abilities: Telepathy, Invisibility and Shape-Shifter

Description: Secretive, Quiet, and spy-like.


Name: Unknown

Code Name: Ohm

Age: 20

Abilities: Telepathy, Strong Sympathy and Manipulative

Description: Mad genius


Name: Lizzie

Code Name: LD

Age: 19

Abilities: Healing, Strong Sympathy and Telepathy

Description: Nice, caring and Selfless

So, that's literary all I have. I'm planning to add in more characters, but this is how I have.

I'm not really sure what the main plot idea is; but I just thought of the characters.

But, this is on the list of future stories. :)

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now