20 Random things about me

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I was tagged by Viper. So here I am... doing it

1. My favorite Animal is Wolves

2. I have extremely tight grip.

3. My first youtuber I ever watch was... a small youtuber named CallOfMyGunGamer.

4. My favorite youtuber is TheRPGMinx XD

5. I'm really good at math but I think Math is boring.


7. I'm sarcastic. I mean really sarcastic... none of my friends doesn't know if I'm being Sarcastic or not.

8. I have an extreme fear of Heights. People says that I'm just scared of the fall. But I'm not. My vision will blur up. And it will go up close then far away. But I'm not scare of falling.

9. I have something called 'CharmSpeak' where I can convince people into doing things that they don't want to do.

10. I have 6 disorders:

A1.) I have something called Social Anxiety Disorder. Hmm... stage fright... is the best example. But I have it all the time. Like when i message someone I always be scared about it...

A2.) Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It's when... I extremely worry about the future and stuff. I have trouble sleeping, I get sore muscles easily (I have it now :/)

A3.) Speech Problems. Yeah... I have that. I prefer writing than talking.... All you guys know what is that.

A4.) Obsessive-compulsive Disorder- hmmm... It's where I think I feel unwanted and repeating phrases and stuff. When i talk... I repeat myself a few times. Cause... for some odd reason i can't hear the first time. So I have to say it the second time.

A5.) ADHD- I have trouble being organized. In class I always Daydream. And when someone is talking with me. I'll get distracted and won't hear anything.

A6.) and Dyslexia- When I read letters will flip. I can't read out loud. And yeah... hmm... I only have trouble with p & d & b's and m & w's.

11. I have something called: Somniloquy- It's where you talk in your sleep.

12. I talk to myself. Apparently it makes me smarter...

13. Still not telling you guys my age but My birthday is August 28.

14. I watched Pewds since ... Amnesia? (I CAN'T REMEMBER)

15. I have something called Short-term memory loss. So don't expect me to remember anything.

16. @AnimeLikesAnime is my closest friend on the internet and irl

17. I think i said this before but I have same hair style as Minx. But my bangs goes shorter, Short, medium, long and then longer. Kinda like Emo-ish bangs. And my hair is layed. Really thick brown hair. And... my hair is shorter than Minx's.

18. My eyes changes color for each season. Fall: Redish Brown. Summer: Light Hazel Brown. Winter: Dark, Deep Brown. Spring: Light redish brown eyes.

19. The picture on the side is how I act like and stuff.

20. I can Read and Write in Greek. 




@AnimeLikesAnime (I know she got tagged but I'm just gonna do it again cause I don't know if she did it!)

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now