Random Thingy 5!

172 6 5

A/N its 1:17am for me so i decided to make another chapter of RANDOM THINGY Enjoy :D


When I say I'm fine.

Doesn't mean I'm fine.

So don't keep asking me. if i'm fine.

Cause girls are fucking scary when they are mad.


Friend: Your Gay

Me: Yeah, I am gay. I do like boys


Me: So what's your favorite youtubers?

Girly Friend of mines: OMG! Zoella, Jc Caylen, Trevor Moran, Kian Lawley, Conner Franta, (Ect...)

Me: Sorry we're aren't friends... where I'm from... we do not accept any one that's straight... Expect for CutiePie and Kalel. (Do anyone know what I mean?)


Friends: I don't like gays and such... (It seems like it)

Me: So your telling me. You don't like Joey Graceffa, Shane Dawsom, Tyler Oakley, Pewdiepie, Minx, Krism, (Ect...)






Chinese=Ni Hao


Me=Sup Bitch


I don't want to be an badass or anything.

But when i was little. I had 9 planets


Admit it. You once made a little kid cry and then made them laugh so you wouldn't get in trouble.


"Sorry about your wait" = "Sorry about your weight"


Dear you.

I couldn't help but noticed that 'Awesome' ends with 'me' and ugly starts with 'u'


Roses are red. Violets are blue. Faces like yours.

Belong in the zoo. Don't be mad. I'll be there too, not in the cage, but laughing at you.


If you're cooler than me. Doesn't that make me hotter than you?


Life is great.....

you should really try to get one.


If I drink alcohol, I'm an Alccoholic.

What if I drink Franta? I'm FANTASTIC

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now