Chapter 19

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The last day of what these people call 'sleepovers' was also a last for a lot of things

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The last day of what these people call 'sleepovers' was also a last for a lot of things.

The last time I will read those utterly ridiculous books, the last time I'll answer such touchy questions...

And the last time my life was at least even a little bit peaceful.

Those words Ino had told me polluted my thoughts that night.

She whispers to me, "Today...what were those markings? The ones on your body."

Not in my fourteen years of life had I've ever heard of such a thing, that is what I'd thought.

It is safe to say that I was most definitely proven wrong, in every way. And I soon learned exactly what she meant.

The night Ino left, the migraines came back. Much to my dismay, the adrenaline pills were not the cause of my aches.

Whatever is the cause for my pain must want me to repay my mistakes because, in the day, I remain completely fine.

Or however one would call fine.

But at night, where I cannot sleep, is when they come. The migraines that pierce holes into my head and ringing into my ears. At night, where I am alone, in solitude.

I would assume that I could handle harsh migraines, but what I cannot handle.

Are in fact, those marks

I analyze the book as it sits flatly open on my lap, the gaze of the lamp warming the pages and allowing me the light to see.

Although I had dropped the foolish book I could not decode, I picked up another that I would deem much more helpful.

I mumble the important words I've been looking for, my eyes scanning each line, "Hold tautly on your inner arm, near your wrist, this pressure point should prevent the feeling of nausea."

My eyes glance down to my left wrist, my palm facing up as I narrow my eyes, recalling why I must search for things like this.

The adrenaline pills, they worked great, amazing even. A load of adrenaline given to me freely, resulting in much stronger psychic abilities.

But like all things I somehow achieve, there is a price. And that is spilling my food out, or per se, stomach acid? I do not eat much.

This throwing up of mine has caused that team to see me in a different light, could it be, the sick girl? That must be it.

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