Chapter 6

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At ease

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At ease. That is how I've felt lately. Not content in a way, or happy, but not technically tense, or upset. Just, at ease.

It's been two weeks since I've become the new addition to squad ten. I haven't noticed much of any other genin, or been on a mission yet either, the Hokage wanted me to concentrate on becoming more comfortable in Konoha, before leaving on an official mission. So without missions, I just train and train, and.... train all day. Primarily at night, people don't bother me in the nighttime.

That's probably one of the most bothersome occurrences, people. I haven't walked a mile without finding a rando parked behind a tree, eyeing me from afar.

The gaze of awestruck villagers has never fazed me in such annoying ways, eyes, who knew these things could move people. Stares of amazement, jealousy, anger,

Perhaps the notion of maintaining my nearly sullied name to perfection instills into my actions. Even as a heir to a fallen empire, nobody wants to see my wrath or sadness, because then my name will be driven to the dirt for sure.

Such a composed and collected girl? How could she ever have outbursts? Maybe she isn't as perfect as we thought she was...that's supposed to be a crowned princess?

That's what they'd say. Because humans would rather live in fake prosperity than a real-world filled with faults. Although, I would choose the first option any day.

My own eyes fall on a small playground next to the path I walk on. Watching from the sidelines as small children play with tiny cardboard cutout kunai and shuriken. Staging a fight of some sort.

Their faces are pudgy and their clothes have bright colors, the shadows from the trees above them freckling their small bodies.

I watch as one leaps in the air, throwing a set of cardboard shuriken in the direction of another's way, "It's my job to save my home from you, uh- bad person!"

The second kid snickers, preparing his legs to run. I tilt my head, enjoying the show.

Except when he does, the child missteps, stepping on his white shoelace, slipping as the cardboard shuriken pokes his eye and he thuds into the ground.

My eyebrows raise in surprise as I begin to hear the sound of wailing. The boy uses his elbows to lean up, sitting on his knees, snotty-nosed and all, wiping his tears with his wrists, only then do I spot small scrapes on his knees.

I raise my hand in the direction of the boy, not thinking once I'd caught the wounds.

My palm lightly closes into a small fist before I let my arm fall to my side, I shouldn't get involved.

Turning around, my feet preparing to find their way back to my trail, I hear the previous child's voice in the background.

"I'm sorry! Does it hurt? Do you want to be the hero this time? Or let's play as a team!" She suggests wanting her friend to stop bawling. I hesitate a bit in my steps, recognizing the word before moving on.

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