Straighten Up

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Mena's POV

"Em, I'm home!" I shouted as I came in the house with everything. "Emily?" I didn't hear a response. Quickly I sped to my room. There she sat on our bed, looking the other way. "Em?"

She turned to look at me with a serious face. "What is this?" She held a black shirt, it suddenly hit me, it was Naomi's.

"What is that?"

"It's a shirt, and it isn't mine."

"What? Let me see." I grabbed it from her hands. "It looks your size, where'd you find it?"

"Under our bed." She crossed her arms. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Um, not that I recall."

"I'm serious, Mena. Who's is this?"

"I don't know Emily, I've never seen that before it my life!"

"Well the shirt isn't mine so?"

"Maybe it is and you just don't remember. It's possible it just fell down there when we were unpacking."

Emily sighed and took a glance at it again. "Maybe...but if it's mine it must be old then because I don't ever remember buying this."

"Well what about your roommates? It's possible you accidentally grabbed it or something."

"Yeah I guess you could be right, I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

She laid her head on my shoulder. "No it's not, I shouldn't have assumed anything like that."

"It's fine really, Em." I softly caressed her arm. "Let's just put it behind us okay?"


"Okay good, what are you cooking then because I'm starving." Emily giggled.

"Vegan tacos for todays menu."

"Yes! I'll go make the guacamole!" I quickly ran out of my bedroom and headed into the kitchen. I let out a breath and whispered to myself. "That was a close one..."

Naomi's POV

"Hey you guys made it!" My mom greeted us as she opened the door.

"Yeah but this little one isn't feeling so well. Isn't that right?" Jordan turned to me.

"I'm fine I'm just tired that's all."

"Aw well we'll have to see about that, come here baby girl what are you feeling?"

"I'm just a bit stressed out but I'm fine I swear. I think I just need to rest up a bit for the next few days."

"You should stay here, maybe then they'll both rest for a while." Josh said raising his eyebrow at me.

"Shut up, you're gross." I scrunched my nose.

"Maybe he's right you should stay over here for a few days, you and Josh could switch. That way Nay could recover and Jordan can get out a bit more." My mom said as she walked over to us.

"I mean I don't know wouldn't that be a bit weird?"

"I mean she's got a point love, you should rest for a bit."

"Yeah but I don't want to leave you alone."

"None sense, Josh and I can have a bit of fun."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive!" Jordan smiled.

"Okay, then it's settled Nay's moving back in for a few days!" My mom cheered as finished cooking. I couldn't hold my laugh back as she wiggled her spoon around.

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