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Naomi's POV

As I rolled over to the side I opened my
eyes to an empty bed. "Jordan?" There was no response. I sat up and grabbed my phone, no phone calls no messages, strange from him. I looked around once more until I heard the bedroom door unlock.

"Morning." He entered the room without making any eye contact and set up a bag and two coffee cups on a small table.

"Morning..." I stood up and grabbed one. "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright." Jordan answered in a monotone voice.

"Okay... what'd you—"

"Naomi don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Ignore everything like always!"

"I'm not ignoring anything, I'm asking you simple questions, but fine if you wanna be a dick then—"

"Me a dick? You're the one who goes off yelling at people who care about you."

"Well excuse me for feeling overwhelmed. You know I hate feeling pressured and you just kept asking me shit I didn't want to talk about."

"You never talk about anything Nay! I don't know if you're happy or upset, you've got me around guessing like an idiot and it's exhausting, you're exhausting!"

I took a step back and furrowed my brows. "Wow... okay then." Quickly I slipped went to slip on some jeans in the bathroom, and grabbed my bag.

"Now what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving."

Jordan let out a breath, "We can't even have damn conversation and you're already leaving I—"

"I'm not gonna stay here and cause you any more exhaustion or whatever it is you wanna call it."

"Naomi you've seriously got to understand. How would you feel if I didn't tell you shit, huh?"

"Well considering our circumstances I'd be a little more understanding about it."

"What fucking circumstances?"

"I'm 21 years old Jordan! We've barely started to live, I hadn't seen my parents in months, my friends in years and we're about to plan a wedding? I need time to think things through."

"You say that like it's my fault, I'm the one thats been trying to get you here for months! You just can't let yourself be helped Naomi. I try everything I try to be sweet, I take you out to eat, I get you fancy hotels and flowers, I don't know what more you want from me!"

"I don't expect anything of you. I don't force you to take me out or buy me nice things, I don't expect you to be a certain way, all I want is for you to let me think things through before being asked about things I just can't express myself on because I don't want to say irrational things!" I walked away from him.

"What irrational things? Just say it Naomi!"

"Jesus fucking christ, I don't know if I want to get married, there, is that what you wanted?"

Jordan's eyes widened before he looked down. "Well you should've just said that, that day at the restaurant then."

As I went to leave the room I took a stop. Looking down at my finger I slipped off my cold ring. "Yeah, maybe I should've." Turning around I placed the ring on my nightstand and tried walking out if the room until Jordan grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not going to be the reason you're angry and I most certainly won't be the reason you're not happy I–"

Jordan grabbed the ring and put it on my finger. "Don't give up on us so quickly. I just... I get worried Naomi, I have a right too. I'm sorry if I was bothering you." He let out a sigh. "Do whatever it is you have to do, just don't give up okay."

I looked to the side trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. "I've got to go, I'll text you or whatever."

I took an uber home; the ride felt eternal, and considering the mood I was in I was glad. I didn't know how exactly I was going to hide this from my parents. Once the uber parked on my drive way I got my bags and knocked on the front door.

"You made it! Come on in love, your rooms got fresh sheets." My mom said as we walked up to it and opened the door.

"Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit."

"Nope, it's just as you left it, make yourself comfortable I'm going to make some tea for us."

"Okay." I set down my bags and threw myself on my bed. I honestly just felt so confused at this point. I really did love Jordan, and before coming here I was sure he was the one, but Mena changed everything.

I knew it was all so wrong, Jordan didn't deserve to be cheated on but the fact that I couldn't even remember his existence even when talking to Mena on the phone. I had to make up my mind sooner or later...

"Tea's ready love!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I quickly sat up and looked down at my hands. My ring sparkled as a small beam of sunlight came through my window. I carefully slid it off my finger and set it on my night stand before I went downstairs.

"Thanks for the tea mom, it really feels like home."

"I'm glad it does honey. Speaking of home... what are you guys planning on doing?"

"In regards to where we're living?"


"Uhh I don't know, it's all a bit complicated right now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we just haven't sat down to discuss a bunch of things yet."

"I mean if you plan to get married next year you're going to have to sit down to discuss them soon."

"Why do you guys want to rush this so much?"

"I mean we're not rushing it's just how things are Nay, you get engaged and a year later you get married."

"Well, I want to do stuff at my own pace." I sighed as I tried holding back my tears.

"Hey, what's going on Nay?" My mom reached over to hold my hand. "And where's your ring?"

I looked up and to the other side as I licked my lips, "Great."

"Where is it Naomi? What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I said rushing upstairs as my mom followed.

"Well I mean you have to talk about it, did something happen? Is the engagement off or—"

"Oh my God you guys are unbelievable," I grabbed my wallet, phone and a hoodie.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere where I don't have to answer anyones questions."

Slamming the door I ran outside and pulled out my phone. The call rang twice.

"Hey, I thought you'd—"

"Where are you?" My voice trembled.

"I'm in town running some errands, why? Is everything okay, Nay?"

"I just, I need you right now,"

"Okay, you remember that place we parked one time and—"

"Meet you there in 20"

"Okay, see you then. And Nay!"


"I'm sure whatever it is it will be fine."

"Yeah, I wish you were right. I'll see you soon."

Suddenly In Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें