Chapter 114

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"So who's gonna call her?" Lonte asks.

"Ion know but somebody needs to" Mama says. I grab my phone and dial Ariel's number.

It rings three times before she answers. "Hey ma" She says. I put the phone on speaker before sitting down.

"Hey, where you at?" I ask.

"On my way to get Mila, I kept calling her but she wasn't answering so I'm going to check on her but I'm stuck in traffic" She says.

"Ariel, lo-" I start only to get cut off by her.

"Ma, can I call you back, I'm gonna try Mila one more time, I'm like 10 minutes from her house so maybe she's up now" She says.

"Ariel, Mila was in a accident, her and Tay are here at the hospital and we've been trying to call you" I say. 

The line goes dead and I look at Lonte. "I'll go wait for her" He says walking out.

"Tay'Shawn Warren?" A doctor asks walking out with a clipboard. I get up and walk over to him.

"I'm his mother" I say.

"He's fine, he has a minor concussion and some scratches, but he's good to go" He says turning to walk off.

"Wait, do you have any information on Mila, the girl that was hit?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, but I can only give that information to her parents and family" He says.

Mila's dad comes jogging around the corner. "I'm her dad" He says.

The doctor flips through a few papers before clearing his throat. "Well, the impact was pretty bad on her end, she's got a broken arm, her left to be exact, we had to do an emergency surgery due to internal bleeding in her lower right abdomen, and she has a minor concussion, it's a miracle she's alive really, but she's on some strong medicine so she can't feel too much" He says. "Her neck was fractured also so she has on a brace but that's about it" He adds.

He walks off and Tay walks from the back. "What the fuck is wrong with you dude?" Some dude says walking in.

"Ma, that's Tahj" Tay says.

"Hey" I say. "I'm Leilani, the mother of this one" I say glancing at Tay and holding my hand out. He shakes it and mugs Tay.

"Hi Mrs. Warren, I've told Tay a million times to leave his sister alone and he doesn't seem to listen, it took me an hour to get here due to all the traffic" Tahj says. "And if your sister is in any way the you described her, you're a dead man" He adds shaking his head. "I'm sorry you guys, is it okay if I stick around here with y'all?" He asks.

"Yeah, you can sit over here" A.J says moving a chair over.

I send A'Lonte a text so he can tell Ariel and send Ariel a text letting her know about the accident.


I've been sitting in the hospital parking lot for 2 hours. I still can't wrap my head around what my mom said.

My brother would really stoop that low to try and hurt my best friend. I've been trying to calm down cause the way I'm feeling, I'll really kill him and not give a single fuck on how anyone would feel after.

A knock on my window makes me jump. I see it's my dad and roll my window down. "Sup" I say.

"I've been watching you since you got here" He says. "Come on" He adds opening my door.

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