Chapter 34

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::Ciara in the media::


"You can't say shit now" I say kissing Bri on the lips then laying beside her.

"Shut up" She says blushing. A few seconds later her ass was knocked out. If you haven't guessed by now, I gave her a lil tongue action this morning.

I was about to fall asleep myself when I realized I had to charge my phone. I plugged it up, and saw the apple sign pop up. I waited and when my screen came up, I scrolled through my lockscreen notifications.

I had Instagram, Facebook,, snapchat, Twitter, then texts. I dismissed each one, one by one till I saw Ariel's name and three dots indicating she wrote more. I logged into my phone and went to her message.

Once I finished, I started panicking. Fuck. Shit. I dialed her number but it kept going straight to voicemail. I went to A.J. Next and his did the same. I tried Haven and she answered.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Haven, where you at?" I ask sitting up.

"Home, sleeping, why?" She ask. I shake my head and hang up. I try everyone I know but it just goes straight to voicemail. What the hell?

I get up, freshen up, and put on a Black tee, Cargo shorts, socks, and my Black mid 1's. I go downstairs and see my mom talking to my aunt.

"Mila, you okay?" Mom ask. I shake my head.

"I need to go to Ariel's house, now" I say grabbing her keys and purse. "Bri's upstairs sleep" I add. This isn't the first time Bri's stayed at my house with my aunt.

"Let's go" Mom says. School's not an option today. We get in her White Range, and head over to Ariel's house. We pull up to the gate, and Garrett shakes his head meaning no one's home.

"Her grandma's house" I say. Mom thanks G, and pulls out. She starts to Grandma Aaliyah's house then looks at me.

"What the hell is going on?" She asks. I hand her my phone as we pull onto the parkway. She reads the message then speeds faster. We get to the house in 10 minutes. I beat on the door hard.

"Who the hell is bea-" Mr. Warren looks down at me. "Mila, what's wrong?" He asks. I show him my phone and make my way into the house. Everyone is knocked out sleep.

I run upstairs and knock on the door of the room Ariel sleeps in. No one answers. Even though everyone is sleep, I just have to double check. I pull a bobby pin out my hair, and my hair falls down in the back. I pull out a small screwdriver pick, and pick the lock.

I open the door only to see it empty. I try the bathroom and that's empty too. I run out, and Mr. Warren stops me.

"When did she send you this?" He asks. I shrug.

"My phone died last night, and when I plugged it in to charge, her message was in my notifications, I called her over and over and got her voicemail" I explain. "She's not in her room" I add.

"What?" He ask. He runs upstairs and then comes down a bit later, and I can see he's crying.

I text Haven what's going on, and wipe my face.

"Mila, go wake all the guys up" Mr. Warren says. "Only them" He adds. I nod and go do that. I wake them all up, and they come downstairs.

"Dad, what's going on?" Tay ask.

"Your sister's missing" He says.

"Who?" Tay ask.

"Ariel" He says. A.J. Runs downstairs and looks around.

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