Locked out (Part 2)

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-Gavin here! I'm filling in for RockedBlu. I hope you like the chapters that are coming up-

Dave's Pov-

        It's been hours since I walked into Dirk's apartment. He hasn't said anything, and I haven't heard any movement from inside his room. I sighed, not knowing what to do. I could contact Bro. But that would in a heavy handed strife and I knew neither Dirk nor myself wanted that. I could call the Lalondes. But I wasn't in the greatest positon for that. I was arguing with Rose and she wasn't happy with me. There was Jane. But she wasn't in the states at the moment. So she couldn't help that much. The only person left that could actually help was Jake. I had to call him. It was the only way I could help Dirk. I got off the floor. I walked to the front of the apartment. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I dialed the Brits number and held the phone up to my ear. I hope this works.

        Jake arrived at the apartment in no time. "He's in his room. Hasn't been out in for quite some time." Jake nodded. "You don't have to worry about him. I'll take care of it, okay." I nodded. "Please call me. If you need help." He smield at me. "I will." He waved at me as I left the apartment. I hope he could figure out why Dirk had locked himself in his room and why he had locked the world out.

Gavin: GUESS WHAT!!!!! There was alot of excitment for that but this is exciting. RockedBlu, nowNeko, and I are opening a Q&A for you guys. This was decided a week earlier and we finally thought it would be a great time to do this. So if you guys have any questions for us three we would be glad to answer them!

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