That day

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        Today is the day that D has to go on a long trip to Europe to get supplies for his next movie. And for once I get to go. I was actually pretty excited for this. I was acting like a kid in a candy store about this trip. I wasn't acting like I was seventeen, which I was, I was acting like I was five. I missed hanging with my older bro and now I get to go to Europe with him. I had to tell someone one about this. I decided to pester Jake, one of best friends, and tell him all about my trip.

timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT]

TT: Hey Jake.

TT: Are you there?

GT: Oh hello strider

GT: How are you on this fine day

TT: Great, actually. Thanks for asking.

TT: I have great news.

GT: Do tell

TT: D and I are going to England.

GT: Golly!

GT: Thats pretty exciting

GT: Havent you been WAITING to spend time with your brother

TT: Yes. It's been so long since we've actually bonded or anything.

TT: We're leaving today, so I won't be able to hang out with you until I get back.

GT: No problem chap

GT: I will be EAGERLY awaiting your return

TT: Right.

TT: See you later Jake.

GT: Bye

timaeusTestified [TT] ceased pestering golgothasTerror [GT]

        I logged off of Pesterchum. I didn't want any messages coming in as I packed for the trip. I knew the AI could handle it but I just didn't want to here the stupid little beep noise every few seconds. There was a knock at my door. That was strange. D never knocked on my door. He loved to barge in, see me at my weakest and catch me off guard. "Come in." I called, not showing that I was cautious. "Dirk!" Oh my God. It was Roxy. "Dirk." I look up at the door. She is standing there with her eyes wide and black lipstick smudged around her mouth. It looked as if she was making out with the Joker. I sighed. "Come in Roxy." She sauntered into my room. She sat in my computer chair. I pulled up my workbench chair and sat in front of her. "Rox, what's up with your face?" She smiled causing the lipstick to spread. I groaned. I reached over in one of my drawers and grabbed a grey cloth. I used these cloths to clean grease off my brobots. It should do the trick for black lipstick. "Well, I was drinking some really nice alcohol. I can't remember the name. Anyway I was drinking it and the next thing I know I'm asleep. Face down on my floor. I wake up like, I don't know half and hour later with black stuff on my floor. Turns out it was my make-up! I didn't really know that until I was already half way here." I rubbed the cloth in small circles on her face where the make-up had spread as she talked. I smirked. "You really should stop drinking so much. You're gonna get alcohol poisoning. And I don't want you dieing on me." I threw the rag in my clothes basket. I reached over in the same drawer I got the rag from and grabbed a tube of black lipstick. I was used to doing this with Roxy. It kinda became a routine. I uncapped the tube and rolled it up so that the tip of the lipstick was showing. I pressed it to her lip. "Did D call you to come watch the house?" I think that was quite dumb of him, if he did. I mean, why wouldn't he have asked Dave and Bro. "Yep." She said trying not to move her lips as I spread the lipstick on. I sighed. I put the cap back on the tube and put the tube back in the drawer. "There. You're all good. Now try not to do something stupid while you're here." She nodded. "Got you commrade." I smirked. I opened my mouth to say something but D busted into the room. "C'mon little bro, we've got to go."

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