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It's been three days since processing. I've been sitting in this cold colorless cell without any visitors and no one to bail me out. I know it's only been three days but I think I'm starting to go crazy. I'm not used to closed walls. This is new for me and I don't like it at all. I began pacing an hour ago. I need to get out of here, but how? No one wants to bail out a rouge detective who framed a director just because she was jealous. My family, who came after the press release, disowned me, saying that they didn't want to be related to a woman who could kill a man. I sighed, running my a hand through my hair. My hair was currently falling out due to stress and my roots were going back to their original color. I wasn't liking this. I was terrified and I just wanted to get out of here. It's all D's fault. If he hadn't broken up with me, no, if he hadn't fired me, I wouldn't have to do all this. I wouldn't have to kill him, I wouldn't have to take it out on his poor kid brother. None of this would have happened. "It's useless, you know?" A voice from outside stopped my pacing. I looked out of the bars of my cell to see Conner staring at me. His brown eyes looked sad. "Are you here to pity me? Cause I don't need it." He shook his head, laughing without humor. "Of course not." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Then why are you here?" He sighed, ignoring my question. "I thought you were different. I trusted you with more than I should've. I never thought I would have to look at you like this. I guess I was wrong. You're just like the others." What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?" I asked, walking closer to the bars of my tiny cell. He shook his head. "I always took in the new recruits, tutored them, showed them the ropes. But you, I didn't have to do that. You learned quick. I thought since I didn't have to watch you as much I could give you some leeway. That's why I appointed you below me. I wanted you to have some authority. I didn't think that you would stoop so low as to kill. I thought you wouldn't be like Klen. She was one of the top recruits that I had trained. She could've made it big, but the power and authority got to her. She held the chef at gun point, trying to get him to hand over his title to her." I narrowed my eyes at him. "What does this have to do with me?" He ignored me and continued with his story. "She had to gun downed. She died in my arms, smiling like the day she was recruited. After that I promised I would never let something like that happen again. Five years later look where I am. Adaline..." I interrupted him, growling. "Don't. Don't use my full name." I only remembered one person using that name and I never wanted to be reminded of him. "It's still useless. You'll never get out of here. We're transferring you in two days to a high security person. You have no chance of parole. And an even slimmer chance of getting bailed out. It was nice getting to know you Ada. I just wished that I knew what you were capable of." Conner started to walk away from my cell. I don't know what came over me, but I rushed to the bar and pushed my hands through them, desperately clawing at the thick metal. "Conner! Wait! This is all a mistake! I can make things better! Help me! I'm innocent! I swear! Conner!" I screamed endlessly, but no one came back. No one came down to help. It really is hopeless.

Hey guys! Long time no see. Sorry that it has been so long since I updated last but I'm trying to get everything settled in my life. I have to catch up in all my college class work, I have to start thinking about the college I want to go too, and I have to pass all these applicant tests, so It has been a long road for me, but here the chapter is. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I will be ending this story in the next few chapter maybe three or four more so look forward to that. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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