The Call

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This is not how I wanted to spend the rest of my time in London. I was stuck in the house watching all the detectives take photos of my brothers corpse. It was unsettling to say the least. I don't know why but every time I heard the camera go off I flinched. I was starting to feel cold, even though the temperature around here was around 78 degrees. Hotter than the temperature of the apartment back home. 1, 2, 3. Camera flashes. It was getting ridiculous. How many pictures could you take of a dead body. Eventually, one of the detectives, a woman, came out of D's room and walked up to me. She knelled in front of the couch that I was sitting on, so she could be at eye level with me. I wasn't a child, she didn't have to do that. "Hey." She spoke calmly as if there wasn't a blood covered person in the next room. "I'm detective Smith. But you can call me Ada. Can you tell about yourself?" Why did she need to know about me. I sighed. "My name is Dirk Strider and I'm seventeen." I looked down at Ada. She nodded, telling me I could continue. I don't even know what I was supposed to say. I sighed again. "I don't know how this is supposed to help you with my brother." She smiled slightly at me. "It doesn't. But we need to know about the only other person in the house. This just part of procedure. Besides, you're a minor. We have to take care of the younger ones." I nodded. I guess that made sense. "Is he you're only relative?" I shook my head. "I have two other brothers. But I..." I stopped. I didn't want her to know that I didn't live with the others. "Hhm?" I shook my head again. "Nothing." She smiled again. "Did something happen before you found him like that?" I thought about it. There was that time at the warehouse and the time at the shop. I nodded. "He was angry with some employees. He told me that I had to wait outside of the doors while he was talking but I listened to him through the door. He was yelling alot. He said that if the London branch fails we will go bankrupt." Ada nodded. "Did he leave a note?" I was about to say yes but then I remembered what was written in it. I didn't wan them to know that I was going to live on my own after this was over with. "No." This was getting tedious. A heard a few rattling sounds coming from the other room. They better not be going through his stuff. They just better not be. I stood up from the couch almost knocking Ada of her feet. I rushed to the room ignoring Ada's shouts to stop me. I was right. they were going through his things.

"Stop! You can't do that!" I rushed up to one of the detectives and started banging on his back. My fists weren't doing anything to the guy. I was probably to weak to hurt anyone. I hadn't been practicing lately and I was losing my muscle. "Someone take the kid out. He doesn't need to see this." I frowned. "No, don't touch me! Leave my brother's things alone! Stop! You can't touch them! Leave them alone!" I screamed, as someone grabbed my arm. They started dragging me out of the room. "Don't touch me!" I grabbed onto the bed post with both of my arms. "C'mon kid. Let go." The voice was deep. "No!" I was acting childish, but I didn't care. These people were invading on a private part of my life. They didn't need to be here. They didn't need to see this. "Leave him be." I heard Ada say. The guy pulling on my arm let go. I let go of the bed post and walked back up to the guy that was going through D's dresser drawers. I stepped in front of him closing the drawer in the process. "Stop. Leave it alone." The detective narrowed his eyes at me. "Listen Kid, I'm just trying to do my job." I narrowed my eyes behind my shades. "I don't care. Leave his things alone." I could feel tears coming to my eyes. They weren't sad tears. They were angry tears. Nobody was going to go near my brother's things and get away with it. "Ron, back off." Ada's voice was back. The guy, Ron, looked over his shoulder. "I'm just trying to.." Ada interrupted him. "Back off." Ron sighed. He walked away from the dresser. "I need everyone to leave." Ada looked around the room. "Now." Everyone quickly exited the room. She turned to me. "Why don't you want people to look through his things?" I slumped forward, the tears flowing out from under my shades. "There his, no one else's." I whispered, falling to my knees. "His belongings and no one else's. No one can look. No one can touch. His. His alone. No one can see." I was mumbling by now. I was repeating the words he used to say when I was younger and tried to look at the things in his room. I wasn't aloud to touch them or look. Unless he said it was okay. I was going to hold to that rule even though he's dead. I could hear Ada over my own voice. "Marven, can you look up the Strider residence. I need to get this kid home."

(A/N: Sorry that it took so long to update but I haven't been able to think of any good ideas for it so yeah. Um, what did you guys think? Was it okay? I really don't know I feel about it. Its kinda... eh.

If you guys want to you can go ask questions for the "Ask the Homestucks" book. I've only had two question for it so far and it would be really cool if you guys did so.

Also please give me some ideas for this story and the other ones that im writing that would be cool.

You can follow me on tumblr: aka-bananas

if want too :)

Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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