Week one: crushed

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D's pov-

Those stupid assholes. They knew how hard I worked to keep this company alive. They knew what was at stake for them and for me. They knew if this branch I would lose all the other branches, go into bankruptcy and Dirk wouldn't have anything to keep him grounded. We'd lose the apartment and everything I worked so hard to achieve. This would be all for naught. And it was the construction industry's fault. God Damnit. I picked up the bottle of vodka I had been drinking and threw at the wall. It shattered on impact. That's how I felt shattered, broken crushed.

(A/N: Sorry for the shortness but I have been dealing with a lot of things at the moment and I guess this chapter kinda reflects my feelings and yeah. I hope you enjoyed it. Please give some ideas for this story So I can keep it going. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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