The truth

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I knew that bitch was lying about D. These files are from an external source. If anyone was going to store porn on their computer it would not be from an external source. Also these files were uploaded after D's death. Two months after in fact. These were uploaded a day or so after Jake and I got here. "Here Dirk. Grilled baloney and cheese." Jake sat a plate down next to me. "Thanks." I ran a hand through my hair. Why was Ada doing this? What did she have to gain from any of this. I clicked through a few more files. They all consisted of the same kind of material. It was sick. Something that D wasn't capable of doing or watching. I was about to click on another file when the laptop slowly closed. Jake was pressing the top down. "What are you doing?" He sighed. "Its time for a break. You've been at this for hours now. I want you to stop for a bit, eat the sandwich I slaved over and spend some time with me." I rolled my eyes, picked up the sandwhich and took a bite. "There." I spoke around the food in my mouth. Jake sighed, slipping his hand around the frame of my sunglasses and took them. "You're exhausted, baby. You need to take a break." I shook my head. "You know I can't. I have to fix this. Ads has taken things to far." He nodded. "I know. But you can't work yourself like this. What would D think if you didn't take care of yourself?" I sighed. He was right. D would be disappointed in me. "Besides I have other things that you could be focus on." I smirked. "Like what?" He smiled. "Strip Mario Kart?" He leaned across the counter to capture my lips in a quick kiss. "Rainbow road?" He smirked. "You're on."

Whoo! I did it again! Another re-write, which isn't what the original consisted of, but hey that's what I'm best at. Screwing everything up. Anyway, there will be some light smut next chapter and then after that the good shit starts happening.

Also someone asked me on tumblr, I can't remember who, but they wanted to know about Jake's nationality (is that what it's called?) So here is it is. Jake is mixed with a lot of different one's. His mother is Australian (living in the UK), his father is part Korean part Australian, and his grandmother (on his mother side) is Hawaiian. He was born in the UK, but his father abandoned him and his mother and his mother died he had to live with his grandmother on the island, but when his grandmother passed away he was sent to the states to be with his grandfather (on his father's side) who is Australian. He grew up in a world full of accents and nationalities. But this explains the island life, the accent and his facial features. Um, later in this fic there will be art, drawn by me (which I suck at art) showing the characters.

Alright that's it for now I hope you liked this chapter. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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