Next step (pt.1)

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I was sitting next to Freya in front the cameras. She smiled sweetly at me. "Don't think to much about the cameras and everyone out there." I nodded. She must know about my anxiety. The camera man from earlier began counting down for the news to begin again. "Three, two, one. " Freya looked into the camera and spoke confidently, "We have a special guest to clear up some things on this case. D's younger brother, Dirk Strider." She turned to look at me. "Hello Dirk. How are you?" I looked up at her. "Hello Freya, I'm doing fine." She smiled. "So, you are aware of the rumors that have been centered around your brother?" I nodded. "I'm very aware of them." She nodded along with my words. "Do you believe any of them?" I shook my head. "Of course not. I have no reason to believe those things. I know my brother, he isn't anything like that." Freya smiled. "It's great to know that you care so much about him. But, we want to know, Are those files true? Was child pornohraphy found on D's computer?" I sighed, looking straight into Freya's eyes. "Yes. There were files all over his computer. But they were not from his computer." Freya gasped slightly. "What do you mean?" I bent down to the floor next to the chair and picked up the laptop. "This is the computer that the files were found on. This computer was also in the hands of detective Smith. One other thing about this computer is that it wasn't even in the house during the time of investigation. D had four laptops in his possession, one he took to work, one he left in Texas, a third one that he gave to me and this one. The work laptop was at the shop office in Brighton, my laptop was hidden in closet and of course the Texas one was in America. This is the fourth laptop." She frowned. "And this one was, where?" I smirked. "This was given to Ms. Smith when she was in a relationship with my brother. It was in her possession before the investigation occurred. I was also in her possession when the files were found. I searched over those files and found that they came from an external source. They were uploaded from a flash drive or c-d." Freya leaned forward in chair. "What are you saying Dirk? Is there more to this case?" I nodded. I turned, looking into the camera. "I'm saying, that detective Adaline Smith has tampered with the evidence of D Strider ' suicide case."

And here it is guys! It's time to get more serious. Ada you will be taken down. I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. It takes a lot of time and effort to make it the best for all of you.

Hey! I'm thinking about doing a give away soon, I don't really know what it will be about or when it will happen but I'll keep you updated, tell your friends, give me some ideas and all that stuff.

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Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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