locked out (Pt. 1)

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Dave's pov-

Something was wrong with Dirk. He wasn't acting like himself. It's been two months since he had gotten back from London and something wasn't right. He hadn't talked to anyone for weeks. We were starting to get worried about him. I didn't want to go over to the apartment and invade his personal space but I had to see what was going on with him. I had to see if he was alright.

I had the strangest feeling as I walked up to the apartment door. I couldn't explain it but it wasn't good. I knocked on the door. There was no answer. I knocked for a second time. A third. A fourth. Still no answer. I eventually got feed up with knocking. I shoved the door open. "Dirk!" I called out, slamming the door behind me. No answer. What was up with him? I walked straight to his room, ignoring the smuppets and empty orange juice bottles. I slammed my fist onto his door multiple times. "Dirk I know you're in there! Open the door!" I heard some shuffling come from the other side. "Go away!" A muffled reply came a few moments later. "I'm not leaving until you open this door." I sat on the floor and leaned on the door. I started raping after a while of sitting there. I don't know what was going on with Dirk or why he was acting this way. But I was planing to find out.

(A/N: Hey guys, so I was wondering what I could do with this. I don't know how to really continue this at all. I need some help!!!

 send some request for my new story "One-shots of the mind" that would be great

Also ask some questions for the "ask the homestucks" story

And if you guys want to follow me on tumblr: aka-bananas

Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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