Preview: Hopeless

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It's been three days since processing. I've been sitting in this cold colorless cell without any visitors and no one to bail me out. I know it's only been three days but I think I'm starting to go crazy. I'm not used to closed walls. This is new for me and I don't like it at all. I began pacing an hour ago. I need to get out of here, but how? No one wants to bail out a rouge detective who framed a director just because she was jealous. My family, who came after the press release, disowned me, saying that they didn't want to be related to a woman who could kill a man. I sighed, running my a hand through my hair. My hair was currently falling out due to stress and my roots were going back to their orginal color. I wasn't liking this. I was terrified and I just wanted to get out of here. It's all D's fault. If he hadn't broken up with me, no, if he hadn't fired me, I wouldn't have to do all this. I wouldn't have to kill him, I wouldn't have to take it out on his poor kid brother. None of this would have happened. "It's useless, you know?" A voice from outside stopped my pacing. I looked out of the bars of my cell to see Conner staring at me. His brown eyes looked sad. "Are you here to pity me? Cause I don't need it." He shook his head, laughing without humor. "Of course not." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Then why are you here?" He sighed, ignoring my question. "I thought you were different. I trusted you with more than I should've. I never thought I would have to look at you like this. I guess I was wrong. You're just like the others." What was he talking about?

Hey everyone. Long time no see. Sorry that it took me so long to write something, but I have very busy schedule these days. I wish I wasn't so busy, cause I want to be able to write for you but that's life I guess. Anyway please enjoy the preview. And please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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