Sumfen Importante

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The next day Jake and I went down to the company's main office to see what was going on.

"Hello Mr. Strider." I was greeted by the receptionist as soon as we walked through the main door. He must've known that I was going to be here sooner or later. "Sorry about your brother. He was a good guy." I nodded at him. "Thank you." I grabbed onto Jake's hand to continue walking through the office. I didn't bother to stop at the cubicles along the way. I went starught to D's office. If any of them touched his shit there will be hell to pay.

Huh? Still the same as always. They must've known how my brother was. Nothing was out of place from the last time I saw it. "Neat-o!" Jake looked thrilled to see the inside of my brother's inner mind. This is where all the magic happened. "Please don't touch anything." I went to the computer, while Jake looked around. I sat down in the desk chair and turned the computer on. It instantly whirred to life and password bar popped up. Shit. What would D have as a password? Something ironic of course. I typed in something from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, misspellings and all. No go. Okay next. I thought of something that he would have named for the sake of irony. Like the Chevy or the Viper or even the Honda. Nothing. I was about to give up when I noticed the password hint. Sumfen importante. What could that be? I knew that this was a long shot but I typed in my date of birth. That wasn't going to be it. I knew that it would read try again. I knew that it... Ding. What? The computer showed the desktop screen. I was something important. I was important to my brother. The king of cool, the pope of irony, the president of no emotions, thought I was important. I'm learning all kinds of things about my brother.

Okay so I lied. Shit doesn't go down. This is just a filler chapter. I'm sorry that it took so long but I have been dealing with a lot of shit. And it just keeps getting worse. But I'll be fine. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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