The task

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Dirk Strider needed to be eliminated. The Strider family needed to be eradicated. They were the bane of my existence. Why did I have to fall in love with D Strider? Why did I have to get a job working in his company? Why did he fire me? Why did I love him? God, I sound like I still have a high school crush. I glad that guy is dead. He's such a dick.

I was sitting in my hidden office in my apartment. I was looking over the task board. Step one: kill off D. Easy, just play out the distraught ex-girlfriend role, get him to feel bad, have him invite you over, make some drinks, get him drunk, and tell him that he can fix everything if he does just one thing. Step two: do your job. Again, easy. I'm detective, I work on 'suicide' cases all the time. It was even easier when the little brother found the body. It became even better when he refused for people to look over anything, harder to tell the motive, easier for me to get away with so-called murder. Step three: help out the Striders. Not too hard. I just had to call the other brothers to pick Dirk up. Step four: bring back hope. Even easier. Dirk Strider is back in England to fix his brother's company. If he said that the company was already falling he would want to help fix it. Step five: destroy Strider. Not a title I wanted to give it but it fits. I would just have to ruin everything that the Strider family has worked so hard to achieve. I will show them. I will show them all. I will show them that you don't cheat Ada Smith.

I took a small break from all the love and stuff to write some physco-birch stuff. Damn, Ada we thought you were the good guy. Anyway this idea comes from Knight-of-Breath. Thank you so much. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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