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Jake was sitting next to me in a room that an officer had taken us to. I set the laptop up on the table. "You do realize that was the biggest call out you could've done?" I nodded. "That's why I did it. I wanted her to see it. I mean, she was probably following our story." He nodded, turning back to the the laptop on the table. I grabbed his hand under the table. This whole situation was wearing on us both. It was hard staying in England for us. We couldn't be lovely here like we could in the states. That was hurting Jake the most. It was also hurting him that I was focusing more on clearing D's name than him. I squeezed his hand. I would have to make it up to him once this was all over with. I was ready to tell him something when the door opened up and a male officer stepped through. "Hello boys. My name is Conner." He reached his hand across the table for me to shake. I shook it with the hand that wasn't holding Jake's. "I heard that you have evidence against Detective Smith." I nodded. "Yes." Conner sat down across from us. "Would you like to share it with me?" I nodded again. "When Ada told the press that there was child pornography found on my brother's laptop, I knew something was up. D was never one for that stuff. He also gave so much to get where he was. He gave up my childhood, his love life, his body, everything. He wouldn't ruin it with this." D had to do a lot of crazy things for his fame, things he wasn't proud of, things he would want to redo if he could. "I got the laptop from Ada and I checked those files that she said that she had found. I'm really good with computers and the like, so I knew what I was looking for. I bet Ada seemed very confident that I wouldn't find anything, but I did. There were several files from external source a few months after D's death. If D was caught with porn it wouldn't be from an external source. Plus a dead person can't upload porn to a computer that wasn't even in his home before or after death." I repeated the story that I had used so many times before. Conner nodded along with my story. "Can I see these files?" I nodded, turning the laptop to face him. "They're all open. Conner looked over the screen, nodding as his eyes flicked over the items. He pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket. His eyes scanned across the paper, then the screen, and then the paper again. He sighed, putting the paper back in his jacket. "Boys, you're service is valued." Jake spoke up before I could get the chance to. "What does that mean?" Conner smiled sadly. He spoke sadly as well. "Ada Smith will be arrested."

I have a pattern. If I can't think of a way to end a chapter I'll always end it with dialogue. It's in a lot of my stories. Anyway I hope you enjoy this. Please Send your feedback and I'll see in the next update. bye!

Edit: There is one more chapter written by Kyller that will be posted soon. -Bexs.

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