Do you? Really?

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I stared up Jake. "You're not serious?" He nodded, leaning close to me and brushing his lips against my ear. "As serious as a heart attack." His mouth down to my neck, pressing soft kisses onto my skin. I gripped onto his hips with one hand while rubbing up his chest with the other one. "I don't know Jake." He began sucking against my skin. I bit my lip to keep from gasping. I didn't want to admit it but this felt good. It felt right. It was as if Jake and I were meant to be together. But we weren't. We didn't even ask each other out. It was a love at first sight relationship, I guess, with no verbal communication. We never needed it. Almost like Dave and I. Looking at Jake, he resembled that Egbert kid that Dave hung around, they were the same height with big doe eyes and buck teeth. He also resembles another friend, Cronus, with his semi broad shoulders. But what makes Jake special is his voice. He lived on an island most of his life, so his voice developed from there, but it was mixed with a British accent and maybe even Australia, I couldn't tell, but no one else I knew had an accent quite like Jake English. "Dirk?" Jake looked down at me with worry. "You okay?" I blinked a few times at him. "Yeah. I'm fine." I ran my hands up Jake's body. "Hey Jake?" I spoke softly, admiring the smoothness of his skin. "Yeah?" He placed his arms on my shoulders. "How do you feel? About me?" Jake sighed, slumping forward slightly. I stared at him, hoping for the worst. "Well," He spoke thoughtfully. "I love you."

I sucked my lip in and let it out with a 'pop.' Jake has never said he's loved me. He has called me love before but I couldn't tell if that was a form of 'I love you.' I've thought about telling him that I love him, cause I do. But Jake has never been in a relationship before and I remember him telling me once that he didn't exactly feel love for others besides his nanna. Jane had said it was being asexual or aromantic or something like that. But to hear Jake say he loves me is something that I wasn't expecting. "Do you? Really?" My hands had stopped trailing his chestal region. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" I sighed. "Cause of all that asexual stuff." Jake giggled. "Silly Strider." He moved his hand up and slide it over the frame of my shades. He slipped them over my head. Amber eyes meet emerald and I couldn't look away. His eyes were so bright and beautiful. He cupped my face with his hands. "It's aromantic. And that doesn't matter. I love you, okay. I'd scream it to the rooftops if I had too for you to believe me." I smirked. "You wouldn't have to do that." He crocked his head to the side. "Why?" I placed a hand over one of his. "Cause I love you too."

(Awe! How cute. Heh, this was actually supposed to be the smut chapter but I was like, why not add some fluffy goodness before we dive in the smut. So here it is. I hoped you liked it. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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