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"Dirk are you sure about this?" Jake asked after I got off the phone with Ada and a news team. "A hundred percent." The dreams from last night still weighed on my mind. That's why Ada was doing this. D had broken up with her, so she was breaking up his life. I was stupid. Why didn't I notice before? "I'll expose Ada for the criminal she is and clear my brothers name." I stepped into the bathroom. I took my shades off. I wasn't going to go on the news with my shades and I didn't need all of Europe knowing my eye color. I put in a pair of green contacts. "But do you think you can pull it off?" I came out of the bathroom. I looked up at Jake. "With your help. And the evidence, D will be clear and justice will be served." Jake cupped my face in his hands. He stared into my eyes and smiled. "I love them better amber." I smiled slightly. Jake always knew make things better. He always lifted the weight off my shoulders. Even though he only complicated my eyes, which he does almost every day, it made me feel at ease. He kissed my forehead quickly. "Shouldn't we be going?" I nodded, grabbing Jake's hand pulling him out of the house.

Time skip

"Welcome to the morning news. I'm Freya and this is your top story." Freya looked into another camera as Jake and I sat of screen. "D Strider. A twenty-eight year old male director from Texas, USA, who traveled here for a work related incident died two months ago, leaving behind two younger brothers. D Strider was was found in his own recidence by his younger brother, Dirk Strider. He was hung by the ceiling fan by a rope. Detectives say that Dirk Strider refused to let them search through anything to find evidence. Ada smith the main detective on the scence, reported that a laptop had been found. That laptop was searched by Ada. It was discovered that child pornography was stashed on the files. Ada smith believes that this is the reason why D had comitted suicide. More evidence has come up on this story and we'll have that evidence for you after the break." Freya was counted off. She walked over to Jake and myself. "Hello, Dirk." I nod in her direction. "You're bit will take place after we show the footage of you and the interview between Penny." I looked up at her. "You know Penny." She smiled. "Of course. She wants to work here. It's her dream job. She comes in here almost every week." I smiled slightly. A man came up behind Freya. "You're on in five." She looked back at us and smiled. "See you in a few." She walked back to her place in front of the camera. "Three, two." The same man counted down, then Freya spoke. "Dirk Strider had made a comment earlier this week about the current case. Here is the footage." The projector in front of Jake and I began playing the footage I was in. I remember the feelings that I had when everyone started asking questions."Were you involved with the child pornography?" The questions came flooding in. "Did your brother ever try anything sexual with you?" I could hear Jake's voice sooth me as I began shaking. "Breathe. Its okay. Everything is okay. Just look at me if you start to panic. I'm here for you." I nodded, turning to the reporters. "I'm Dirk Strider, younger brother of D strider. I'm ready to take your questions." One reporter put a microphone close to my face. "Did you help your brother get the pornography?" I shook my head. "Were you a part of it?" "I don't understand the question." The reporter asked again. "Were you in the pornography?" I shook my head again. "No. My brother would never involve me in something like that."  "Did he pressure you into anything for his own sexual gratification?" I sighed. "Of course not. D wasn't like that. He was my brother. He took care of me like any brother would." Another reporter spoke up. "How does it feel knowing your brother was a pedophile?" I remember rolling my eyes at this question. It was stupid. "My brother wasn't a pedophile. He wasn't like that at all. My brother cared a lot about underprivileged children and not in a way all you guys think he is." The same one asked another question. "There were multiple files found, can you explain that?" I shrugged slightly. "Not exactly. In the time I took to monitor his computers I never found any of these 'files.' But I'm going to try to search the computer and see where they came from. My brother isn't and never was a pedophile. He wouldn't get off to little kids. And I won't have you squandering the Strider name because of this. If any of this is cut up to fit your views of me, I will make sure you never forget the name Dirk Strider." The camera followed me as I grabbed Jake's hand and began to walk away. "C'mon Jake. We've got business to take care of." The clip faded out Freya's face appeared again. "There's also an audio clip from an interview." The clip began to play. "Are you aware of the current si-tu-ation the Strider's are in?"  "And if you do what are you trying to do to fix it." I sighed. "Well, I'm pretty aware of it. Um, right now, I'm searching around for some evidence that will change what many people think of the Striders."  

"Do you believe that D is in-no-cent?"  

"Of course I do. My brother isn't capable of all the things people say he is." There was a skip in the recording. 

 "D would never do that to me. He loved me and my brothers. Plus CPS would know if he was like that. And so wouldn't Bro. Even if he was capable of doing such things, he didn't have the time too. D was always busy with work. He was rarely home. And when he was he slept most of time. I didn't get to see my brother much so there was no way D could've abused me. And there is no way I would've repressed it." 

"Saying things like that is the first sign. Dirk, you seem like a nice kid. And I know you're just trying to protect you're family, but come on. Something is wrong here. With all the research and evidence that the detectives found after his death, it wouldn't be surprising that D thought he was guilty of something else besides child pornography. He must've done something that made him want to kill himself. He did something to you that made him regret it. He touched you wrongly and he enjoyed it. He got off to little boys just like you. He did all kinds of things to you. He made you think that it was okay. He made you want to do those things. He pushed you to the limit. But in the end it wasn't enough. He couldn't get what he wanted and he hung himself. He hung himself because he was guilty. You made him feel guilty. You made him kill himself. You didn't stop him. When you were pushed into those things you didn't stop him. You didn't do the things you were supposed to. You set him up. You killed him." 



"I don't know why you came here or what you're trying to prove, but I will not let you stand here and try to convince me that my brother is a pedophile, when I know for a fact that he wasn't. I will not let you stand here and squander the Strider name. Now, please get out."

The sounds ended and Freya popped up once again. "After the break we will have none other than Dirk Strider with us to clear up some of the evidence on this case." 

Wow this was really long, and I had to go back a lot to make sure I had everything was correct. Okay so I'm trying to get this story done by the end of october but I really don't see that happening but I will try. I still have to finish the Spoopy time book. Its supposed to be full of Hallow's Eve type one-shot. And it's supposed to be by the end of october but that probably won't happen either. whoops.

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Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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