Don't talk

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Pakko brought out the pizza's and placed them down on our table. "Enjoy!" I smiled slightly. "Thanks Pakko." He nodded and went back to the counter. I picked up a slice of my all time favorite pizza and took a bite of it. Yum! I loved Pakko's pizza. "Wow, this is the first time I've seen you happy in months." Dave elbowed me. I rolled my eyes behind my shades. I don't need this bullshit. I'm tired of them trying to "help" me. I knew that Dave wasn't the one behind this. But he didn't have to act like he cared. I knew he didn't. Dave and D were never on good terms. They were always fighting. It used to scare me cause I didn't know that three year olds could use such language. And it just got worse as he got older. Even though Dave cared about me, I knew he didn't care that D died. It was just like he said when he got to London, 'I can't believe that he would be so irresponsible. He was using the ideas from SBAHJ to make his products. And he just let it all go to waste. I thought he was better than that. We thought he was better than that.' I sighed, wishing that none of that had ever happened. "Yeah." Was all I could say. Jake was talking to Bro about something as I looked over at them. They oviously weren't paying attention to Dave and myself. "I just wished he'd come out of his funk. I don't like seeing him like that. He's my friend and all." I sighed. Of course Jake's talking about me. Like I wasn't sitting right fucking there. "Yeah, but its not like we can really do anything. He needs to get back to it himself. I can only be here for moral support." Bro picked up a slice of pizza and stuck it in his mouth. My mouth contorted in a small. Why were they talking about me? Why are they all against me? Why do they pretend to care about me? I shoved another piece of pizza in my mouth. I came here to enjoy pizza and my childhood safe place. But there were people here ruining it. The only one that wasn't doing anything on purpose was Dave. I tried to ignore the two people at the end of the table and turned to Dave. "Have you been trying to get in touch with publishers for SBAHJ?" He shook his head. "No. Can't do much of that. Most of the new things that I've made are way to pornagraphic. Even Terezi says so. And she can't see!" He sighed in frustration. I opened my mouth to say something but I heard something that made me flip my shit. "I just really want to help him. He needs to get over D. Moping around won't bring him back. Nothing will." I snapped my head over to Jake. "Don't. Talk. About. My. Brother." I stood up from the table. "Just shut up Jake. I don't want to hear your stupid voice talking about my brother again. Ever." I turned away from the table and stormed out of Pakko's. Jake English is dead to me.

(A/N: This is part of the idea from chocolate-feathers. Thanks so much for the idea a while back. I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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