Week two: death

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        Something was off. D hadn't been at of his room lately. As a matter of fact, I don't think he has done anything lately. I wondered what was wrong with him. He wasn't the type of person to stick to silence. D was more open than the other Striders. And louder as well. I wondered what had gotten into him. I walked towards his room. Once I got into his room I knocked on the door, knowing that D hated when people just barged into his room. But I didn't get a response. I knocked once more. But there still wasn't an answer. I knew something was wrong. I opened the door and I was shocked at what I saw.

        D was hanging from the ceiling fan that was right above his bed. His shades hung losely from his face. The rope was tied tightly around the fan and losely from his neck, giving him some room to breathe before he actually died. His hands were covered in blood, meaning that he tried to pull the rope away from his neck. He didn't want to die. He wasn't trying to kill himself. That's all I could think off. I noticed on his bed there was a note. I walked quickly over to his bed and picked it up. I scanned over it quickly

-Lil' bro,

        I didn't mean for this to happen. you understand that don't ya? I hope you can forgive me for leaving you like this. I know that you wished that I was better brother to you and that we could spend more time together like we used to when you were little. I want you to know that, i'm fine were i'm heading. And i'm sure that you'll be fine too. Try to stay strong for me little man. At least your bro went out cool. I was at the top of the echeladder of cool. I was famous just like I wanted to be. I made it. What do you think? No said I could do it. You can't get anywhere strider, they said. But look how far I got. Look how far we got. We made it. You made it. You make me proud lil' bro. Don't think that this your fault. I made this choice. Not you. I didn't want to let you down by being shit at my job. Or losing the London branch. I made sure that when I'm gone that all the money goes to the Striders. But most of it will go to you. I wanted to make sure that you had a great future ahead of you. So this is my goodbye to you. Please don't feel bad for me or anything like that. Jus stay strong for me lil' bro. Stay strong for you.


Also, maybe you could cut me down afterwards. I don't want people to find me like this. It would be UnStriderly.

Oh my god. He's still doing that even after he's dead. My bro really has some issues. Or had. It doesn't realy matter. All I know is that my brothers dead. And I'm alone.

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