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Since Freemago requested it I will write. You guys can probably already tell by the cover that this is gonna be a DirkxJake fanfic. Freemago also requested GamTav, I'll write one of those too but it will come later. This is actually another one of my favorite ships. I could say it's my OTP but I ship Jake and Dirk with other characters. But still, I love DirkxJake.

This story is mostly written from Dirk's pov but if it changes ill let all you readers know.

I do not own any characters in this fic. They all belong to the wonderful hussie whom we all know and love.

I'm not responsible for any crushed, broken, beaten, sunk, killed, emotional, or destroyed feels.

And a big thanks to Freemago who requested this wonderful ship.

I hope you guys enjoy!

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