preview: Saving our asses (pt. 3)

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How dare that bitch say those things about my brother. D would never do something like that. He was too busy for stuff like that, and he had so many charities for children; helping them pay for college or buying school supplies. He always wanted help. Why would anyone believe that D was into child porn. It wasn't like him at all. I knew that. D always had me look after all his computers, checking for viruses and unexpected cookies that didn't need to be there. I made sure that all of them were clear of things like that. And I never found anything like that. I needed to look at the computer where these files were found. Something wasn't right here. I will get to the bottom of this. I will clear D's name.

Alright so there you have it. I haven't had time to write the whole thing. And honestly I don't feel good so I don't feel like writing anyways but I thought I'd give you something instead of having you wait. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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