Saving our Asses (pt.2)

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I stared at the screen for a few more seconds before I called out to Dirk. "Dirk! Dirk!" I looked out of the break room. "What is it Jake?" He walked over to the break room with a clipboard in his hands. "Look at the news." I pointed to the tv while closing the door. I don't think any of the employees need to see this. "There is new information on the D Strider suicide case." A reporter says. "Ada Smith who was working on the case has informed us a break in the case. Ada." She sighs before looking into the camera. "Before we called D Strider's younger brother back here, I was searching for a reason behind his sudden suicide. In the latest sweep of Strider's belongings I found something interesting. On a laptop that was found in Strider's home were many files containing child pornography. I have reason to suspect that this is the reason D Strider committed suicide. I'm still looking into it but this is something that we can not take lightly." The screen flashes back to the studio. "Thank you Iza. We now take it to the fans of D Strider and what they think of these accusations." It goes to another shot of a different reporter in a neighborhood. "I'm here with a fan of D Strider. What do you think of the news?" A name banner appeared on the bottom of the screen; Justin Nueman. "Well, I was sad to hear that he passed. And I wondered what would happen to his brother. But now, I really don't know. It's hard hearing that a person you look up to, can have this dark secret. Especially D. He had a charity for abandoned child, he loved his fans and he loved his work. Its sick what he did his spare time. But there's really nothing to do now." The reporter then showed up on another side of the neighborhood. "We have one more fan to tell us their thoughts." He turned to the girl standing next him. The name banner came back up; Samantha Rivet. "D Strider was an inspiration to me. My little brother and I loved it when he came here for the first time. We even had our SBAHJ DVD signed by him. I just cant believe he would do something like that. I feel sorry for his brother. I mean, what was going on with him while he brother was looking at children. He was just a child himself. It's awful y'know." The reporter turns back to the camera. "Back to you Will." The guy in the studio nods at his camera. "Thank you James. More on this story later." A commercial about coffee appears on the screen for a split second before the screen goes black. "Huh?" I turn to look at Dirk. He's holding a remote in one hand and his other hand is balled into a fist. "That bitch will pay for this." He slams the remote down on the table. "My brother was a lot of things. And he did a lot of things. But one thing he didn't do was look at shit like that. And he wasn't a pedophile." He looked up at me. "C'mon Jake. We have to clear my brother's name."

Here is another chapter for you lovelies. I hope you are enjoying it so far. There is more to come.

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