back home

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Dave had talked Bro out of taking me home. So it was just Dave and I. He had also talked Bro out of checking on me over the next few months. I quickly unlocked the front door to the apartment. I was glad to be back. After what had happened I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon. Once I took a step in I instanly smelled alcohol. I forgot that Roxy was watching the apratment. "Roxy!" I called out. Dave closed the door after following behind me. "D-stri!" Roxy jumped up from behind the couch. She was wearing one of D's oversized shirts, her underwear was one top of her head, and she was waving her bra around. I facepalmed. What was she doing? "C'mon Rox. Seriously?" She walked, more like stumbled, toward me. She threw her arms around my neck. "I've missed you so much. I've wated for like evvvveeeer!" I sighed. "Dave, you can go home. I have to take care of Roxy." He nodded. "Alright I'll see you later." He turned and left the apartment without another word. I grabbed Roxy by the back of her legs and flipped her over my shoulder. "Upsie dasie." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes. I should've know she would drink while she was here. I carried her to my room. At least she didn't touch my stuff.

(A/N: short chapter I know, gosh. I don't know why you people keep coming back. I'm not that great I swear. This kinda just a filler chapter. The next chapter is going to be the good stuff though. That's when the all the stuff goes down so be prepared for that. Story/chapter question: why does Bro think he should look after Dirk even though he is not Dirk's guardian? Hmm? Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!)

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