Saving our Asses (pt. 1)

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I checked over all the blueprints in D's files. And they are all shit. What was he planning on doing? None of the numbers add up, the measurements are wrong, and the images; well SBAHJ look better than these did, and everyone knows how shitty SBAHJ look. I sighed, printing out a copy of the blueprints. Once they came out of the printer I grabbed a white stencil pen from D's desk. I grabbed the blueprints and began making adjustments. These were for new machines that would help production. I needed to make sure that they were perfect. "Jake, do you think you can go get some coffee from the break room?" I look up at him for a short second before turning back to the blueprint. "Sure!" I hear him shuffle out the door. Its going to be a long day.


I need to think of a scandal and fast. Just killing off D wasn't enough. I needed something more. An affair perhaps? No D never had any lovers and if he did no one knew about it. Murder? No, he wouldn't have gotten away with it. Kidnapping? Not even a little. He wouldn't have to kidnap anyone, people would willing go with him. He was just that likeable. What could I possible pin on D that would make the Strider name fall in shambles? That's it. Child Pornography. D would never be able to get out of that one. And someone of his social standing would be in ruins if the cops found out. I turned around in my desk chair. This is perfect. Strider will never be able to talk his way out of this one. I grabbed a laptop that D had given me when were secretly in cahoots. It had his logo on the top. I opened it and turned it on. I had never used it for anything important so it was perfect for this task. I took a flash drive from one of the desk drawers, it was from the last child porn case. I plugged it into the laptop and immediately uploaded all the files. I made sure that the old files were still saved to the flash drive, I didn't need people to get suspicious. When that was done, I unplugged the drive and turned off the laptop. Later today I would go to the press and show the world that D Strider was a good for nothing pedophile with an addiction to child porn.

-Time Skip-


Dirk and I left the office once he was done fixing some prints. We took a cab to the factory. I was surprised to see that it was small. Not much bigger than office building. How did they fit everything in it. "I just need to check out some things, give this to an engineer and we can get the fuck out of here." I nodded. Dirk didn't want to be here at all. And I could understand why. This is the last place he had seen his brother alive. I just nodded and allowed him to pull me into the production line. "I'll be quick. Stay here." I didn't argue with him. I nodded and gave his hand a small squeeze. He kissed my cheek before walking into the room. I watched as he went up to a few of the workers. They began talking. I was too far away to hear what they were saying, but by their body language I could tell they were giving there condolences. While Dirk was chatting with the employees, I looked around. There were was a room off to the side of the factory floor. It must've been a break room. I walked over to the door and looked inside. There was a table in the center of the room with a few chairs around it. A fridge was in the corner and next to it was a small counter that held a microwave, higher up on the wall was  a television. It was playing the news. I looked at the screen. The headline said, D Strider caught after death for child pornography. What? Dirk had to see this.

Its getting heated in here. I hope you liked this chapter. It getting hardcore in here.

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