A calm day

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Jake and I went back to the house. We needed a break after the day we've had. Honestly, I wanted to get to work straight away, but I owed it to Jake to spend some time with him. "So what do you want to do?" I asked Jake, laying on the couch. He had just gotten some tea from the kitchen. "Hm, I don't know. Can we just cuddle a bit?" He sat down in front of legs, which were taking up a small bit of the couch. He set his cup of tea on the coffee table in front of us. "Sure sure." I answered, looking down my nose at him. "No shades." Jake whispered slightly. I sighed, slipping them off and pushing them onto the table. "Better?" He nodded, laying down into my side. "Much better." I wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to my body. I pushed my head into his hair and took a deep breath. I sighed contently. Jake always smelled of coconuts and lemon grass. He reminded me home. No, Jake was home. I couldn't even picture a day without him. "Dirk did you hear what I said?" I looked down at him, he had turned slightly to look at him. "Huh?" He sighed, turning around all the way. "I said, why don't we hang out on the roof. The sky is supposed to be different today." I nodded. "Yeah, we can do that. Why don't you head up there now, and I'll meet you in a bit." He nodded. "Alright."

I watched Jake take the ladder up on to the roof. "Don't take too long, kay?" I nodded. "Alright." He closed the hatch. I sighed. It's been hard for the both of us. I feel bad for dragging Jake into this. It's not his problem. This is between my brother and me and whoever else he got involved. I wondered who else D pissed off. If someone else came up I don't know if I would be able to handle it. I was just a seventeen year old high school student who wasn't seen much of the world, what would I do if someone else wanted to ruin D's good name. Although it wasn't all that good to begin with. I ran a hand through my hair, the natural points were flattening and the gelled bits were losing their strength. If I wasn't careful I would end up looking like Dave. I sighed again, walking into D's room. Again, I shouldn't be in here snooping around, but I had wanted to make this day up to Jake. I knew D was a musician of sorts, he even used his own music in SBAHJ. He had to have some kind of instrument around. Hopefully one I could play. I tried to ignore the blood stain that no one bothered to clean up or the rope that still hung from the fan. I went straight to the closet. C'mon D give me something useful. It's for Jake. I opened the door, and right there for all eyes to see was the most pristine item that I had ever seen in my life. A fender FA-100 guitar. I remember when D used to sing to Dave and I during storms. I picked up the guitar and slung the strap against my back. I swung the guitar around so it rested on my back. I smiled slightly, walking back to the ladder hatch. Today was going to be a calm day.

Here it is guys. I hope you are enjoying it. I've said this before but I'll say it again. I really want to get this story done, hopefully by the end of December. It might not happen, but I have to cut some parts of the story so it might be possible for me to get it done. Also I won't be updating on Christmas, so I'm going to try to get a few more chapters out. It'll be my Christmas gift to you. Happy Holidays! Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update.

Fun Fact: I had a Fender FA-100 Acoustic Guitar, but I never had lesson and we had to sell it. I was very upset about it.

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