D Strider

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        D. I've heard that named used before. It was like a bad omen when I was little. Sometimes I would cower behind Bro just to get away. Dave and I both did. Many people were scared of Bro, but it wasn't him that you had to look out for. It was D.

        I remember waking up to mutilated puppet bodies hung across my room. D wasn't much for puppets. That's probably were Dave picked up on that. Neither of them were into puppets like Bro and I. I screamed loudly. Not because I was scared but because my puppets, my beautiful puppets, were just hanging around with there stuffing hanging out, noses cut off, heads missing, and sometimes covered in paint. I thought I was going to cry. But that was a long time ago.

        By the time that I was in my teenage years, Dave and Bro had moved out, leaving D and I to our own devices. That had been the changing point for me. The brother that I got along with so much was leaving me behind with a psychotic puppet killer. Great that's just what I needed.

        After awhile I got used to being alone with D. We kinda got closer that way. Without having the other Striders here we were less distracted. And I bet it was the same for Bro and Dave. D and I started strfing less and I was grateful for that. Around that time I stared building robots to strife with so that I could keep up my strength. Just case there was a Strider ambush. And there always was one.

        Eventually D started to show up less. He was always working on a movie or some shit. I didn't really notice it much at first, but I started to after I felt really lonely. Having the big apartment all to myself was weird. I was use to having someone there that I was actually flipping my shit over being alone. But it was good to know that D still cared about me. He would leave notes around the house to kinda cheer me up. They were always filed with ironic words or drawings that he barely had enough time to draw. It did make me feel better at times. But at other times, I was missing my brother. I try not to think about it much because I know he's busy and I know that he can't be home all the time but Its really hard. Especially when half the world knows the name D Strider.

(A/N: Hows that for a first chapter? Man, I even felt that one. Whoo, It kinda hurt. And its only just begun!)

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