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"Thank you so much for watching her tonight. It means a lot," A blond haired woman said as she handed her almost one year old daughter to her friend. The little girl whined as she left her mother's arms, but quickly grew content as she settled down. The red haired woman guided the two into her house seeing as they wouldn't be allowed in the house otherwise due to all the protections.

"Of course. She's my favorite God daughter!" The red haired woman said, a bright smile on her face.

"Lily, she's your own goddaughter. And even then, she legally only has one godparent, and that's Remus!" The woman responded. Lily smirked and turned away, the girl in her arms giggling as if she understood the conversation. Loud steps announced the entrance of another person into the room.

"Hello Marlene and itty, bitty baby Rose. Where's Sirius?" The man asked, putting his son down as he was squirming in his arms. Lily did the same and the two children crawled over to each other and started to play with a random toy left on the floor.

"Sirius was going to see Peter and then we were going to go on a date. We haven't been out since Briar Rose was born, so we decided to go somewhere," Marlene answered. James and Lily nodded in understanding.

"Make sure to tell him hello for us and be safe," Lily said as she hugged her best friend. James also hugged Marlene before sitting down on the floor and making rings of smoke exit his wand, a bright smile on his face. Children's laughter filled the room causing all the adults to smile.

"Will do!" Marlene exclaimed with a smile.

"Come here little missy, " She said grabbing her child. The little girl whined at being taken away from her godfather before smiling at her mother. Marlene hugged her extra tight, having a bad feeling in her stomach.

"I love you, and I'll see you in the morning," She told her daughter, who just smiled back and gave her a slobbery kiss on the cheek. Marlene laughed and put her down on the ground. She waved goodbye once more and then left to return home to her fiancé.

"Lily, I'm the best godfather to ever exist!" James stated as he picked up Rose in one arm and Harry in the other. Lily raised one eyebrow and then walked into the kitchen to continue cooking dinner.

"I'm sure Remus would disagree. Rose loves his cuddles the best. And, as Sirius and Marlene like to remind us, we're not legally godparents," She responded. James let out a dramatic gasp at her words.

"How dare you! I'll challenge Remus to a godfather competition the next time I see him. And Marlene and Padfoot are idiots, we're godparents in spirit!" James said as he put Rose and Harry into their chairs. Lily just shrugged, knowing that he would most likely lose. The timer went off so she grabbed the chicken nuggets out of the oven and put them onto plates. James let out a shriek of joy louder than the two kids when he saw the food causing Lily to roll her eyes, but give him a kiss anyways.

"You're more childish than the two actual children in the room," She informed him. He smirked at her.

"Yeah, but you love me anyways," He responded. She just smiled and sat down. The family of three and the girl ate, and then James took the kids back into the den as Lily made the dishes clean themselves.

"Dont forget that next week is your week to cook and clean up," She reminded her husband, who groaned and started complaining. One look at her face made him stop talking, and he quickly turned back to the children. Lily finished with the dishes and walked over to the three children playing, leaving her wand in the kitchen.

"Harry, stop poking the cat!" She yelled as she entered the room. Her son quickly stopped and turned to his mom with a sheepish look on his face. The girl next to him started to giggle, so he turned to her angrily. James and Lily laughed as the two started to argue in baby language.

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