Chapter 19. Quick Trip

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Xara's POV. (And here I am, still writing this)

What was actually surprising, was that after about ten steps I turned around, expecting to see Romeo strodding behind me. But what was even more surprising, was that unusual and unexpected disappointment and discomfort rising in my chest when I remembered that I had left him back in the shack.

Okay, I suppose I had gotten used to him being around, always withing my eyesight. Now, on my own, I suddenly felt not so confident in my actions anymore.

What had I been thinking?! Going back to that town, full of people who would stare at me like I'm some exotic mob, whisper about me, maybe even point at me! No, no, no, I can't go in there all alone! I better turn around, lock myself back in that house and just stay there. On my own.

With Romeo.

This one thought sent blood to my face, and instead of turning around I sped up, walking through the forest to reach Beacon Town in the shortest amount of time. The nature was beautiful all around me, with birds chirping and flowers blooming, but for some strange reason whenever I tried to focus on the wild, my thoughts returned to my roommate.

How was he doing there? He had suggested to prepare some food for picnic, or whatever it was, but was he okay with doing it? What if he had another panic attack while I'm gone? Or if he accidentally hurt himself, say, while cooking? Or tried to run away? Or, worst of all, killed himself?!

That memory of a dream suddenly snapped up before my eyes. Romeo, kitchen, blade of a knife shining in the moonlight - and blood, blood, a lot of blood, and that smile on his face, gosh, that smile!

I flinched and turned around, staring in the direction of our shelter, trying to get my body to stop quivering. It was just a walk to the Town and back. Less that an hour to do it. Nothing bad would happen to him in sixty minutes!

I shook my head, trying to push all my ridiculous thoughts away, and continued walking towards Beacon Town. I was pretty close now, so I could even see the wall around it between trees. My instincts grew stronger, yelling for me to stay away from that place, but I gritted my teeth and walked even faster.

Anyway, it wasn't really that strange that I thought about Romeo a lot, right? I mean, it was my responsibility to keep an eye on him, and I couldn't trust him for now. I just worried he would do something he'd regret later, that's all. Nothing else. Absolutely nothing. Nothing.

My head snapped up when I came face-to-face with the gates of Beacon Town. My feet stopped right before I reached the point where the observer would see me, causing the gates to slide open.

This was it. The last chance to turn around and go back to my home. If I didn't, I would have to go through those crowds again, feel like everyone is staring at me. Not the most comfortable experience, I must say.

By the way, I didn't even need redstone that much! I could always go mine some myself, or send Romeo to do it. There was absolutely no need for me to face those people, to struggle in the crowd! The best solution would be going away before somebody notices me, returning to Romeo...

And then what? How would I explain my sudden and unexpecting return? Especially without anything I had gone to buy, that would look strange and weird. And Romeo is literally the last person in any world I would like to look at me as if I were a freak of some sort, he is my only sanctua-

What?! Why the heck was I thinking about him again, and in such inappropriate way?! No, no, no, I really needed to get my head out of the clouds and get a grip!

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