Chapter 4. New old friend.

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Xara's POV.

I didn't even know what I had expected to find in the "security" labeled room, but, honestly, I wasn't surprised by what I saw. Basically, there was a long table made of iron and some metal lockers behind it. A rather fat guard was sitting behind the table, looking at me with suspicion. I only answered him with a gaze of great dislike.

- Your name, please. - He asked, putting some papers on the table and writing something down.
- Xara. - I answered shortly. It wasn't like I was much in the mood to talk or anything.
- Huh. - The security guard wrote something down once again and turned the paper over. - Were you invited by Dr. Doe?
This time I managed to stop myself from expressing any sort of scoffing as the name was mentioned.
- Yes.

The guard nodded and looked at me, his dull and watery eyes focusing on my bow and arrows.
- Put your weapons on the table, please.
I didn't even move. Did they really expect me to simply hand over the very thing that might save my life?!
- Excuse me, but it is stated in the rules that no visitor must be allowed inside the building with any weapons or sharp objects. - The guard frowned. I raised an eyebrow.

- Well, do the rules say what to do if something happens? - I scoffed. - Better safe than sorry.
- None of the patients will do you any harm, miss. - He sighed, and my levels of anger rose at the sound of irritation in his voice. - Please, put your weapons on the table. You will get them back after.
For a few moments I really wanted to turn around and just leave this place for good. But, on the other hand, I kinda wanted to see Romeo again. To see how miserable his life was, how pathetic he became. And if I had to choose between keeping my bow and watching the devil himself suffer...

- Fine. - I rolled my eyes as I put the bow on the table. Then I also put all my arrows next to it, counting them quickly.
- Thank you. - The guard said with no truth in his voice.
- Twenty arrows. - I ignored him, watching my precious bow and arrows disappearing inside the iron locker. The guard nodded and locked the door. Two other guards, who had been silently staying behind all this time, led me to some white room with holes in the walls, floor and ceiling. I didn't catch the name of the room, but, judging by white gas that filled the room right after the door was closed, it was some sort of a desinfection.

Next we came to some sort of an arch, made of metal and with some lights in it. On the other side of the arch there were two more guards, looking at me boringly.
- She has an appointment with Dr. Doe. - One of the old guards said as I walked through the arch. It was some kind of a metal detector, I assumed, and it was good that I didn't actually have any metal with me.

-Follow us, please. - One of the New guards asked and led me through another door. Behind it I found a long white hallway with bright lanterns. It didn't look like a prison, actually, more like a hospital or something. And they really kept Romeo in here?!
A few seconds later I saw a man. He was rather tall, his dark brown hair were short and gelled back, so they were shining a little. This man had a cold and official smile but his blue eyes were rather warm. He didn't look trustworthy.

- Welcome. - He smiled coldly, looking at me. - Xara, I assume?
- Yes. - I nodded, frowning a little. - And you must be the famous doctor John Doe, who believes he can change the devil himself.
Not a muscle twitched on his face as he held out his hand in a traditional greeting. I only folded my arms, waiting for confusion to appear in his eyes. But nothing happened - it felt like he was wearing a mask or something.

- Well, yes. - The man nodded, letting his hand fall down to his side. - It's Romeo you're talking about, isn't it?
- Duh! - I scoffed, feeling fury starting to boil inside my veins. - He is the reason you wanted me to come here.
- Of course. - Dr. Doe nodded and turned around, walking through the hallway. I followed him, while the guards simply left the place without a word to their boss.

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