Chapter 76. Call For Help

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Xara's POV.

I was running through the forest, doing my best not to fall down on the ground and not to scratch myself. The agony in my lungs would've been enough for me to slow down a few days ago, but now now. This time I wasn't running just because it was a healthy exercise, this time I was running because I needed it more than anything.

Because the life of my best friend depended on how fast my legs could carry me through this place.

My hands were clutching the scarlet plaid, holding it so carefully and tightly like it was my lifeline. And maybe, maybe it was. Maybe the scent coming from this thing was the only reason I was still going, I was still fighting to get to the town, the place which I used to hate more than anything.

My legs were burning. My lungs felt like they were about to explode. My back was filled with such tension that I wanted to cry out feeling it. My arms were desperately gripping that piece of soft red fabric, pressing it closer to my heart and constantly checking if it was going to unroll and make me trip. But my eyes were narrowed and glaring at the town ahead of me with cruel determination.

My head began to ache as I rocketed right into the place where the observer blocks could notice me and banged my fist on the wall of the Gates. Why were these machines so slow?! Couldn't they work a little faster?! It was an emergency here!

"Come on!" I growled and squeezed myself through the gap between the sides of the Gate as soon as it became wide enough. It felt like I had been waiting outside for at least a millenia, maybe even more! As soon as my feet hit the main street of Beacon Town I took a breath and looked around, trying to remember where the hell Jesse was. That building with the huge hamburger floating above it? Maybe... That strange octopus-like mansion? Maybe! Where the hell was he?!

I gulped and looked around, trying to see a building that would spark any memories whatsoever, but there seemed to be nothing here! I but my lip and whines pulling on my hair a little. Come in, memory, come on! Now was not the time to malfunction!

"Yo, dude, you okay over here?" Came a pretty deep voice and I immediately whipped around, noticing not a girl but just parts of her: long yellowish hair with beads in it, weird amulets... And the scent of that specific plant that Fred had forbidden Romeo to grow because it made humans act all weird.

Fred... Romeo...

"W-where's Jesse?" I panted out and felt snakes of pain crawl up my middle as well. Hell no! I was not about tor rest, I was merely asking for directions! My body had to be prepared that very soon we would start running again and not stop in a while.

"Jesse dude?" The girl seemed confused and I wanted to scream at her or to break down in tears, I wasn't sure. "He's chillin' in his office, like always!"

"Office? Where?!" I almost shouted because of this whole talk. Romeo could be dying somewhere out there, we weren't supposed to just chat like old buddies! The girl shrugged and pointed at some building with the lighting above it.

Right. Lighting. Gotcha.

"Well, he's in 'ere now, but I feel he's, like, super busy now." Of course. When isn't he? "Perhaps if you just sat back and, like, relaxed or something..."

"I've been relaxing for far too long." I snapped and the pain that flashed in the eyes of the girl was enough for my heart to ache. She was annoying, but she was still trying to be helpful! "I mean.. Thank you."

And then I was off, bolting towards that weird white building with the lighting above it. This time I didn't turn into distant streets to avoid crowds, instead I ran right forwards, hoping to just make it in time.

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