Chapter 5. Hesitation.

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I don't actually remember coming outside from the building. It was all nothing more than a blur, just a mix of colours and sounds and barely visible shapes of objects. Time and space didn't mean anything for me, as if they simply didn't exist. Yet the hurricane of these blurs was nothing compared to what I felt inside.

What the actual heck just happened? Dr. John Doe, this fearful and pathetic Romeo, the deal... What in the universe had I gotten myself into?!

The fury was boiling inside my veins as I was making my way back to the town with that ridiculous name. Honestly, I was so angry that I couldn't actually move fast, because it felt like if I moved a little bit faster, I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore. My faithful bow and arrows were returned to me, and now I felt a strong urge to shoot something or even someone.

Why did I have to say that last thing?! Why did I have to promise to even think about that stupid, that ridiculous deal?! Romeo didn't deserve such generousity of mine! I mean - he's killed my best friend! He made me suffer for more, than a hundred years! He never deserved any kindness from me or anybody else! And yet, here I was, promising him I'd think about "hosting" him. Well done, Xara!

Perhaps, that wasn't me? Perhaps, they used some sort of a gas to make me agree? I chuckled and shook my head furiously. There had never been any gas, no, any thing that would affect my mind like this. I had been an Admin after all! I'm stronger than this!

I should be...

Blinded by fury, I didn't remember all the walk back to Beacon Town. One second I was stomping through the woods, and the next one I found myself right in front of the automatic gates to that place. I froze there, not quiet sure I actually wanted to come inside. After all, there were way too many humans in there, and right now even one wrong word could trigger me. And Jesse wouldn't be happy if I hurt or, even worse, killed somebody by accident. Although, that would've been nice.

- What am I gonna do with all this? - I sighed and went away from the town wall. Meeting with humans was the least thing I needed right now, and, honestly, I much prefered loneliness anyway.
So, why did I say I'd think about that "hosting" thing or whatever it was called? I hated Romeo, hated him with all of my heart. I mean, how could I not? He killed Fred! He took away my powers! He imprisoned me for more, than a hundred years! He never ever deserved my mercy!

And yet, I still gave him hope. It was obvious he was scared of that Doe man, maybe, even more scared than of me! But was that man who'd been hiding his gaze, who'd barely been able to say a word, who'd been shaking like a leaf in storm - was that really Romeo? He surely looked like him, yeah, but it was an absolutely different human being.

Romeo, real Romeo, would never submit to anyone. He would never hide his gaze, he'd never be so obedient! What had these people done to him? Not that I was worried for him, just really curios. I mean, could humans actually do something that Fred and I couldn't?! Nah. That would be ridiculous.

I found myself near a small lake, surrounded by trees and bushes, and sat down on the grass. It still felt very new to me, all these colours and live things around me, as if it all was a dream that was about to end. I never wanted it to end, unless, of course, I could wake up in my past... Back when I was an Admin, when Fred was alive...

When Romeo wasn't insane.

Suddenly I heard a loud hiss coming from behind me and harshly turned around. There, a couple of blocks in front of me, was that green tall monster with a frown on its face - creeper, I believe they are called. This monster hissed again and started walking to me, yet I was fast enough to avoid it. These things explode, right?!

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