Chapter 59. Farewell

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Xara's POV.

It took quite a lot of time for Romeo to stop sobbing and whimpering, and by the time he calmed down enough to let go of me, my shoulder was already soaked with his tears and my arm was aching after stroking his back non-stop all the time. However, I didn't dare complain or even shift, even though after a while I lost an ability to feel one of my legs. But his comfort was way more important than mine.

"X-Xara?" His silent voice reached my ears and I hummed in responce, moving my head away so as he could lay his more comfortably. "I... I'm sorry. For being so pathetic."

"This isn’t pathetic." I sighed and shook my head, not even surprised at this point that his words hurt me almost physically. That was actually normal now. "You've been hurt. No one can blame you for expressing your emotions."

My friend only moved away from me, which I allowed. We couldn't let him slip back into his prison mindset, so I had to be really, really careful around him. Didn't want to trigger any bad memories, after all.

"But I-I pity myself." Romeo murmured, glancing at me shyly. "And it's bad. I-I should just work on fixing it, not be sorry for me..."

"Who says so?" I tilted my head and took a corner of his plaid to wipe the tears away from his face. The guy leaned into the touch slightly, his hands lying on his lap. "Who says that you can't pity yourself if you're hurt? Who says that we, mortals, aren't allowed to have feelings?"

Actually, I knew one person who could've said something like this and also affected Romeo a lot. That was the very reason I used the word 'mortals' - not to highlight the fact that now we were mere human beings, but to say that if we weren't allowed to show emotions, then nobody was. That we had the same rights as the rest of the world.

"Th-the doctor did." My companion replied and nervously shifted. I felt his look at me for a moment before averting his eyes. Oh? What did he want? I frowned and loosely hugged him, simply crossing my wrists behind his back and not actually pulling him into me. Much to my surprise, he actually relaxed and even gave me somewhat of a smile.

"I'm sure he did." I replied, and the intimate position we were sitting in made the anger at John Doe retreat. "But you see, not all of us are mentally sick like him. Normal people have emotions, and normal people take care of themselves. Even if it includes a bit of self-pity. I feel sorry for myself, and I feel sorry for you too. Why shouldn't you do the same thing?"

Romeo didn't answer for a long time, and I spend those few minutes admiring his features. The spot on the floor we were sitting on was lit up by the rays of sunlight coming through the window, and I smiled as it made his beautiful hair glow even brighter than usual. His sweet scent reached my nose and an urge to sniff his hair suddenly appeared in my head, bringing with it the memories of our small game.

The grey eyes of the man weren't broken anymore. If anything, they were as strong and as brave and as confident as ever, but without that narcissistic glee in them anymore. Small cuts on his face weren't painfully obvious anymore, and with an unusual proud feeling inside me I understood that his skin wasn't as pale as snow anymore. It wasn't normal colour either, but he was on the right way.

"So it's not bad?" Romeo finally asked, this time without stutter. "Are you saying that I can pity myself? Really?"

"You can do whatever your lovely heart desires." I answered honestly and giggled at the blush that spread through his face. Dammit! He was really a cute one. Had he been this way when he was an Admin? "I promise, you will never get hurt for feeling a certain way. Ever."

The redhead smiled wider and raised hid eyes to look at me. My heart skipped a beat at that movement. Why did he have to be so handsome that my eyes seemed to be glued to his lively face and his bright smile and his kind and caring eyes? Maybe he still had some powers that affected me so much? If that was the case, I did not want to fight them.

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