Chapter 34. Cookies And Discussion

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Yo, people! @mayomama once again made some amazing arts for this story that you just have to see! They are soooooo good!

Chapter 29.

Chapter 29

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The weather was nice and pleasant. There were a few clouds in the sky, but it didn't seem like it would start raining anytime soon. The sun was shining on the ground, it's light bringing warmth with it. I think I saw a small furry creature hop somewhere behind the trees, with long white ears and tiny black eyes.

The nature was living peacefully and in harmony, and I smiled when I saw a little bird of some sort land on the box with my redstone stuff. I had left it by the house yesterday evening, so even now there still were drops of water remaining on it. The bird looked around, not noticing me, and then took off, flying towards someplace else.

I had to sigh. It was beautiful up here. This world was young and fresh, the trees here were green and the grass resembled emeralds. The sky was also alive, clouds crossed the blue depth of it and birds swooshed by, like swift tiny peaceful arrows.

And then my smile disappeared. This world was wonderful and all, but... But mine wasn't. My world, my home was dark and cold and unwelcoming. There was no sun, and all the plants were half-dead, surviving only due to their power of will. Dangerous monsters reigned in there, and most of humans - I mean, us - had problems with eyes.

But it was home.

And I would have to get back there sooner or later. Well... I guess, rather sooner than later, Romeo had only three days left with me. After that, it's down to Oasis for me, down to my broken and rotting home.

I hung my head low, somewhat noticing Romeo standing up to take his cookies out. It was much easier for him. He wouldn't have to suffer with this dilemma, he can just stay in this world and be happy. But me? I still had responsibilities, I still had to fix my town. No rest for the ex-Admin, heh.

The plate of cookies got placed in front of me and I looked up, seing Romeo tilt his head at me. Had he seen the worry in my eyes? Did he know what I was thinking about? Hope not, I wasn't keen on explaining my problems to anybody.

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