Chapter 25. Only For You

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Xara's POV.

- Damn it! - I let out a furious hiss as terrible shock ran through my arm to my shoulder once again. What time was it, fifth? Sixth? Whatever! It wasn't supposed to happen, I knew I had to be more careful. I just knew it. But, FYI, it's not that easy!

Romeo sighed and rubbed my shoulder in a comforting way, before scooting back as I gave him an annoyed glare. This wasn't the time for all these touchy-feelings! It was time to get a grip and to finally make something out of redstone. Easier said than done, though.

- There's gotta be a way to do it without being electrocuted every time I touch the chain. - I grumbled, staring at the powered chain of redstone dust on the grass in front of me. It wasn't even that long, yet I was slightly wary of it now.

Yay, Xara, congratulations. The only thing that you love brings you pain now.

- Maybe, there are special gloves in there? - Romeo wondered, not speaking too loudly and trying not to annoy me too much. It wasn't working that well, but, to be completely honest, I'd rather he was irritating than silent and scared of his own shadow. So I was really, really trying very hard not to snap at my roommate.

- Yeah. - I shrugged and continued pouring the redstone dust out in a thin line, trying to connect it to the only thing that I had now. A button. - Look for them, will ya?
The redhead nodded and walked over to the pile of pieces of dispencers and repeaters and everything else. I didn't look at it.

No. Never in a million years will I use that rubbish to build machines. Ever. If I have to, I'll go mine some stone myself or make Romeo do it, but this? Way too modern, way too unnatural.

The line of the dust stopped near the wooden button I had placed on the block of grass. This was the easiest and pretty much, the only thing I could do now, and still my heart fluttered weakly when I pressed the button. Nothing changed.

- What?! - I rubbed my forehead and groaned in disappointment. The redstone torch was supposed to turn off! But it didn't happen, so maybe I hadn't connected the chain to the button? Or something else, gosh, when did this become so hard?!

I felt Romeo sitting down next to me and let out a warning grown from my throat. He better not be extremely annoying, I don't think I can handle it or anything.

He seemed to understand my intentions, because I only saw him hand me two strange-looking black gloves made of leather. Just the sight of them made me want to throw up. Why can't I protect myself from some stupid dust?! Why am I so... Pathetic?

- I'm fine. - I pushed his hand away and yanked the torch out of the ground. The chain instantly grew dark, and, as I brushed my fingers against it, I didn't feel anything painful or worse. Great. At least when it wasn't activated, redstone could be my friend. The problem was that if the dust wasn't activated, there was no point in inventing something.

- Y-you aren't putting them on? - Romeo stammered, looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed. - B-but what if you, uh, s-shock yourself or anything?
- I'll just be careful. - I hissed through my gritted teeth, pressing the button again.

The black line burst into red light and I couldn't help but smirk in satisfaction. That smirk disappeared as soon as I realised that I had just done the thing every toddler can do. Way to go, Xara, the greatest engineer of all times!

My hands dropped onto my lap when the impulse died out and the line turned black once again. What had happened to me? To my mind? It wasn't just a memory problem, I had actually gotten much dumber.

But if I didn't have my mind now... What did I have left? My body had become weak, my eyes had grown sensitive, even something that could bring a smile to my face now brought only pain and shame. The only thing I could still enjoy... Well, it was about to vanish into the air just because of some unknown reason!

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