Chapter 52. Calm Before The Storm

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Xara's POV.

I think I might have fallen asleep at some point on that couch. It was weird, really. One moment I was just sitting there with my eyes closed, and the next one I suddenly realised that some amazing scent had spread through the whole house. My stomach grumbled in hunger, but I didn't want to open my eyes.

Maybe I could sleep for a couple more minutes? The cushion under my head was unbelievably comfortable and soft, and the blanket that Romeo had forgotten to drag back upstairs was obviously trying really hard to make me stay there for as long as it was possible.

"Xaraaaa..." A silent voice reached my ears, and, still half-asleep, I smiled at it. It was good to know that I wasn't alone, that somebody else was there, beside me.

Then something very lightly brushed against my cheek, sending ticklish waves down my face. I frowned and mumbled something stupid as I tried to shoo it away.

However, the feeling came back soon, this time tickling the side of my face. I tried to turn away from it to maybe get a couple more minutes of sleep, but the next thing I knew was that something was tickling the crook of my neck. Ugh, what the-

"Get off." I groaned and attempted to push it away, but I guess it was as stubborn as I. The tickling came back, only this time more persistent. Maybe it was a fly? Gosh, I hated those things!

Get off me! I tried to scare it again, but my fingers clutched something big and soft. Huh? My eyes opened slowly and I turned my head to stare at some red fabric I was squeezing tightly.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty." Romeo's voice smirked from somewhere above me and I had to blink a couple of times to make sure I wasn't seing things. He was standing by the side of the couch and it looked like he had been the one to tickle me with the corner of his plaid. "As much as I like watching you sleep, the lunch isn't going to be hot forever. Come on!"

He held out a plaid-covered hand, although it wasn't necessarry. I hadn't taken off the leather glove I had used for working with redstone, so we could actually hold hands now... Kind of.

"Just a couple more minutes." I groaned and turned away, readjusting the cushion to make it more fluffy. My eyes wanted nothing more than to stay close, and I was willing to let them do it. It was okay, it was alright. Few more minutes wouldn't change anything.

"Xara, no, come on." My friend tugged on my shoulder, and I slowly pulled it out of his grasp. Nope. Sleep first, then eat. "Let's go, please? You can sleep afterwards, but I can't keep the food warm for too long."

"I'll eat it cold." I mumbled as I tried to snuggle more into the blanket. Romeo sighed and I had already prepared myself for defending the blanket from him, but he didn't try to pull it off me, much to my surprise. He just... Walked away or something. I smiled victoriously.

He couldn't have been offended. He couldn't. I hadn't said anything wrong, all I asked for was getting a couple more minutes to spend in my slumber...

And then I sat up, my eyes wide and every trace of sleep dissapeared. I smelled food. No, I smelled the most amazing food ever! My mouth watered as I realised that I had been starving. The scent was so awesome, and it felt like the source was so close to me...

"Well." Romeo chuckled next to me and I briefly turned my head to see him pull a chair towards the couch and sit down on it with a bowl of some long, yellowish straws in it and two forks sticking out of that pile. And that thing whatever it was smelled oh, so good! I sat up-

Only to have my friend push me down with a wide grin and shake his head. He pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and let out a chuckle.

"Oh, no-no-no, Xara." Happiness was there in his voice so I sighed as I submitted to his wishes and obediently stayed down, looking at the food pleadingly. "You wanted to stay on the couch, you're staying on the couch. Even if it means I'll have to feed you."

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