Chapter 79. Unexpected Problems

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Xara's POV.

The walk through the white hallways and rooms seemed to be endless. We were turning at almost every corner, John Doe leading us somewhere. I guess I was supposed to be weary, he had insisted that Jesse and Petra stayed back and now it was only me and Romeo following him towards who knows where. But the truth was... It was the only solution.

Even if I didn't like the guy, there was nothing I could do other than rely on him this once.

"I-is that really necessary?" Romeo whined, hugging himself, and his eyes darted from the back of the man in front of us towards me. True fear in them stroke me almost physically, but the worst thing was that I wasn't allowed to teach out towards him, I wasn't allowed to comfort him. That would only scare him even more, and I was lucky enough he had agreed to have his memory returned after all.

"I promise, you'll feel much better after this is done and over with." I smiled and held out a hand, hoping he would take it. Instead, he gazed at me in mistrust and hurried up, trying to catch up with the doctor. Shame stang me like a bee. He trusted that demon more than he trusted me!

Of course, I was well aware that I was not supposed to be mad at him. To my friend, I was just a stranger, someone he didn't know and didn't believe in the slightest. And the doctor... Well, I assumed Romeo didn't remember all the pain that horrible person had put him through. That's one way to make everyone like you, wipe their memory clean!

"Yes, it is." John Doe nodded and I sighed in relief. Somehow, for some reason I was yet to understand, the man actually wanted Romeo to remember everything! It had been very nice and thoughtful of the doctor to suggest performing some sort of an operation, even if it hadn't been tested before.

Oh wait... It had been tested, but it appeared that the last time they tried to give someone their memories back, they somehow failed... I think they called the subject of that test 'Patient Zero'...

Who was that Patient Zero? Why couldn't they have their memory back? Why had they even had it taken away in the first place? And, most important of all, why did the moment that name was mentioned John Doe actually react... Emotionally? Unlike his usual self? That rage that flashed through his usually calm eyes, I-I think I knew that kind of anger. It was fueled by sadness.

But it wasn't important now, not him, not that mysterious patient. The most important thing now was getting Romeo's memory back using some sort of a gas that would reverse the effects of the Final Stage. It was supposed to take fifteen minutes for the said stage to become irreversible, but we still had time, right?


"D-doctor Doe?" I bit my lip in the anticipation. He didn't look like he was in a hurry, so it must've meant we still had plenty of time to spare, correct? "How... How much time until..."

Until my best friend will forget about me once and for all. Until everything I had feared of ever since looking in his eyes again came true. Until I lost someone I cared about.

"We still have four minutes and three seconds, do not worry." The man with blue eyes replied calmly, briefly glancing in my direction above his shoulder. "The Tube Room is just behind this corner, and I've had my staff informed of the procedure we're about to have. They will be there."

Oh, right. I did remember him sending a note with a guard for some doctors or scientists to go to the Tube Room. That's where Romeo's destiny would be decided, eh?

Our destiny.

I bit my lips and looked at my hands, surprised to see that they were not shaking for once. There was no fear inside me now, even though the upcoming procedure might have some unpleasant consequences for me. After all, my memory wasn't as good as I claimed it to be...

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