Chapter 77. To The Rescue!

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Xara's POV.

We were running through the forest, Petra and I. My eyes were opened widely, my heart thumping in my chest with every step, my thoughts swirling around in my head and filling me in such agony that no pen can describe. What if we'd stalled long enough?! What if now it was far too late to change anything?!

No, no I couldn't keep thinking this. I just couldn't. Come on, focus on something else, anything else! I bit my lip and glanced at Petra, who was running by my side.

It wasn't hard to bring up the memory of both of us walking the same road a week ago, arguing and shouting at one another on the way. The way the mere sight of her could make me go all crazy, the way I wanted so much to punch her right in the face - and I bet she wanted the same thing. All these seven days she was alnost the only person I had considered an enemy, a rival...

And now she was there, right by my side, helping someone she truly hated just because it was wrong. I cracked a small, a bit scared smile.

"Thanks." Was all I could whisper and give her a nod. "This... This means a lot to me."

Perhaps it was dangerous to take off my protective armour of hatred and anger like this, but I just couldn't stay mad any longer. Not when she'd done something that mattered to me so much.

"Yeah, well, it... It was the right thing to do." Petra replied shortly and her voice shook just a little. "Can't believe that he just refused to help you."

I bit my lip and nodded. Jesse's deed wasn't good at all, though I bet it wasn't nearly as hard for me as it was for her. After all, they'd been together for quiet a while, and I knew exactly how much it hurt to lose trust in someone you care about. It had happened to me after all.

The redhead kept quiet for a while before smirking at me. Huh? Wasn't she supposed to be upset about Jesse's decision? Why-why was she smiling now?

"So, what exactly binds you to Romeo?" She asked casually, like her heart wasn't hurting after that betrayal. I blushed for some reason and looked away, not wanting to think about it, though those thoughts were impossible to ignore. Why-why were we even chatting now?! There was something so much more important that we had to focus on! Saving my friend, my best friend from the clutches of that beast with blue eyes.

"I don't know." Was all I could reply while running through some bushes and almost wanting to cry out loud when I noticed the familiar blank building ahead of me. Fin-dammit-ally! We were here! I clenched the red plaid even more since it seemed to bring me some comfort and satisfaction and maybe even something else, something I never bothered to think about. "I really don't know."

Finally the gate became huge enough for me to stop and lean on my knees, gasping for air just enough to get the attention of the two guards. They were both dressed equally, their arrow-proof armor shining under the sun ominously. They walked closer to me from the other side the bars and a male one demanded in a pretty rude but at the same time professional voice to know what we were doing here. Petra shook her head, her breathing calming down at unimaginable speed.

"We're here to talk to the doctor John Doe." She announced but stood away from the barred fence, noticing a special wiring going on top of it. Seemed like she knew exactly what that wire was for and why touching the metal grid wasn't the best solution.

The guards gave each other a brief glance and the one that had spoken to us shook his head, turning so the sheathe of his sword was easy to see.

"I'm afraid doctor Doe is performing an operation on one of the criminals." He replied casually and my heart fell. No! Had I truly been too late?! Please no, please no, I won't make it without him! He... He's my best friend, he'd always been! How would I ever manage to survive without him by my side?!

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