One Last Time... (A Very Long A/N)

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Table of contents:

- An author's speech
- Q&A and a tag
- Some Perfect canons that weren't mentioned in the story & fun facts
- Character's songs
- Arts from that MAP we couldn't finish
- Special thanks and gratitude


So... Yeah. Perfect has ended. Whoa. I can't believe it, I mean, really! I have been writing it for three years now, guys. Three years. Three years is a very, very, very long period of time, and I won't lie to you, when I think of the day I came up with the idea of Perfect, I barely remember anything. I won't use the cliché 'like it was only yesterday' because with memory such as mine everything is forgotten after these three years.

But still. Three years is approximately 94608000 seconds. That's a huge number that I can't spell, let's call it 94,6 million seconds. For 94,6 million seconds you, my dear readers, read this story, voted for it, commented and tried to guess what would happen next, but most importantly - you waited. Waited patiently for every update, for every new chapter. I had tried to stick to my schedule, but sometimes it was just impossible.

I started writing Perfect when I was in the process of writing my first and second fanfics ever: "Lightnings" and "Only For You". And this is the last MCSM book I get to finish. You have been with me through all this time, you have seen me start and end new books, you've witnessed the milestone when I switched from dash marks onto the quotation marks! You've been with me through all this time and now I have to finish this.

Now I have to let you go.

I'll be honest, there were times when I didn't want to finish Perfect at all. It got me the appreciation I had always craved, seeing all these votes and reading all your comments filled me with pride. Of course I didn't want it all to end. Plus I got stuck in that writer's trap where I had a good beginning and a good ending, but the middle was too boring. That's why this story became so my longer than originally planned.

Still, you were with me through everything during those 94,6 million seconds. And for that I will always be grateful. This story - and these readers - have been by my side through maybe the toughest time of my life. I had broken up with a best friend, I was devastated and lonely... But then I opened Wattpad and read all your wonderful comments and it made me truly happy. You made me truly happy.

As I already mentioned, I do not remember much from that day when I came up with the idea for the story. I do remember a weird feeling I had ever since I had woken up and which was there during that whole day. I guess it was during morning exercise(I used to do these 'cause my mom told me to) or my walk to school when I remembered the dream I had had, the reason for that feeling.

If you're wondering what the dream was about, it had almost nothing similar to Perfect. I just saw Aiden and his Blaze Rods being forced to do some community service, they noticed me and were sad for some reason, then I went looking for Aiden... I guess I was pregnant or something... A ridiculous dream!

But it wasn't the dream that mattered, it was the feeling I received. I knew it would dissappear the next day, so I was literally itching to finish writing a chapter of Only For You and begin something new. Something I had known would be my best work yet.

And that's what Perfect became.

I hadn't always planned that plot twist where it's Xara who is the murderer, but now I'm glad it happened. The original idea of this story was that people who exit prison need to be accepted into society - and also that Xara cannot forgive Romeo immediately after they meet. I was tired of reading Romara oneshots where Xara wants to kill Romeo but then he says he loves her and they both kiss.

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