Chapter 17. Talking Out

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Xara's POV.

As I walked upstairs, my body suddenly moved around, and, before I could even realise that, I found myself staring at the cursed chest, breathing heavily. For a second I couldn't look away, my eyes glued to every hole, that looked like a wound, to every link of a metal chain, to every scratch. A part of me wondered how Romeo felt, locked inside there, breathing through the holes that now seemed painfully small and cuddling in his blanket.

Just one thought brought so much pain, that I hissed and tried to turn around. Didn't work out that well, my muscles simply refused to respond, leaving me stuck in the same position. My heartbeat acceletaled, I didn't like that, I really didn't like that!

I took a deep breath and commanded my body to turn around. It obeyed, although unwillingly, and I managed to climb up without sparing another glance to the chest.

Romeo was fine.

I turned the light on in the bathroom and began preparing for the shower. My eyes fell on the mirror, and I once again froze, staring at my own reflection. Then walked closer to it in order to see better and maybe convince myself that it wasn't all that bad.

It wasn't that bad. In fact, it was much, much worse. My face was still sickingly pale, which only showed off my dark eyes. My dark hair just so decided to stay in the worst curls I could imagine instead of lying flatly, like they were supposed to. Clothes were hanging on me, like bags from potatoes, and I took a few minutes to understand why they hadn't been that way before.

And, of course, a purple bruise on the right side of my face and a tiny scratch on the front of my neck. I sighed and rubbed my injures, wincing from the throbbing pain in my cheek and a shot of weak ache in my neck. How long would it take for these to heal? A day? Two?

I scoffed, suddenly catching myself on a thought of how terrible I looked. Who cares?! It's not like my pale skin of bruises can hurt me in any way, and it's certainly not like my clothes play such an important role in my life. The way I look is the least of my concers!

So I simply threw my clothes away, stepped in the shower and turned the water on. It was rather warm, and it felt so wonderfully against my skin that I simply sighed and sat down on the floor of the cabin, hugging my knees to my chest. The way water drops sank in my hair made shivers cover my body, but it still felt pleasant in one way or another.

Sure enough, thoughts once again invaded my peace. I frowned and rubbed my forehead, trying to come up with a reason why my head had ached so suddenly. It might've been because of over-working or sitting in an uncomfortable position for much too long, but I could remember countless hours I used to spend working with redstone. And this never happened, I was sure of that.

A terrible thought crossed my mind: could it have something to do with my memory? If what Romeo said was true and this problem was caused by abscence of my powers, it surely meant that it would only grow worse, right? Perhaps at one point I would even forget my own name, my own history... Could it be?!

But no, no, it wasn't a ususal amnesia! I had met people with such a diagnosis before, and I was positively sure they forgot some events, not mistook them for others. So what was happenning?

I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall, enjoying the warmth of water running down my body. I had enough time now, why not try and check if I remembered everything correctly?

"My name is Xara. I used to be an Admin, one of the three. Other Admins' names were Romeo and Fred. We lived in a cabin, Romeo's bed was red, Fred's - cyan... Lapiz blue! Lapiz, lapiz, of course. Mine was purple. I was-I am good with redstone, Romeo was a warrior, and Fred was a book worm. Three of us had amazing powers, and each one of us had a town. Oasis, Romeo's keep and... Romeoburg? Wait... Was it Fredburg? "

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