Chapter 18. First Rays

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Xara's POV(why am I writing this, there's gonna be no other POV)

Warm rays of sunlight gently touched my cheek, warming my pale skin up. I smiled at that warmth, though kept my eyes closed, kinda enjoying my sleeping state. Time moved on really fast, and very soon I found that spot of warmth resting on my nose. I knew I should've turned away, but i really didn't want to ruin that blissful condidtion. And, of course, very soon sun was glowing right in my eyes. Of course.

Sun, you're a jerk.

I groaned and stood up, yawning and stretching. Then finally glanced and the window and sighed. The rays of sunlight were shining through the trees, and the grass was light green, beautiful. I couldn't see the lake from my room, but I assumed it would be sparkling under that light, just like it had been doing at night. To be fair, I wanted to go outside. I mean, after spending a hundred years locked in a box it's normal for me to want some fresh air.

I smiled weakly and pulled off my nighgown, walking over to the wardrobe and choosing what to wear. That sounded strange, I know, but for some reason I couldn't help but care about my look. It was something I had never experienced before, but frankly, I just wanted to look nice. Wear nice clothes, have my hair combed properly, move gracefully...

And that had absolutely nothing to do with Romeo.

Finally I simply chose a black T-shirt with short sleeves and dark blue pair of jeans. Then went over to the bathroom and tried to i comb my hair. They resisted, tangling and curling in every way possible, and I realised that today it was harder for me to brush them than yesterday. Guess, I was supposed to wash them again.

In the end, I gave up trying to get rid of a ridiculous curl right on top of my head and simply walked downstairs. The room looked peaceful in the sunlight, and the only thing that really stood off was Romeo.

I froze on the stairs, watching him. He was still sitting in his chest, his hands resting on his knees. My roommate stared at the lid in deep confusion, as if he couldn't believe it was real. Oh, right...

- Morning. - I nodded when I finally found myself able to finally step down. - Um, had a good night?
Romeo stared at me with his eyes wide, before gulping a little.
- I'm sor-ry. - He suddenly blurted out. - I don't know how it happened, I just woke up and-
- Hey, it's okay. - I held my hand out, hoping it would give him some comfort. Worked out just fine. - You're not in trouble, I was the one who opened the chest.

The guy frowned, before nodding slightly and relaxing a bit.
- What? - I huffed. - Did you think you had opened it in your sleep or something?
- Not really. - He shook his head. Then looked down on the floor and sighed, rubbing his arms. - It's just that whenever something strange is happenning around me, I'm the one who gets blamed...
And he was silent again. I groaned and walked to the couch, falling down on it and yawning again. Romeo glanced at me, curious, but didn't move from his spot.

Silent tension grew between us. I looked at my roommate, who shifted uncomfortably but sat still, his eyes wandering down. It felt like he was expecting something from me, but what?
A thought came to me, making me shudder unwillingly. If yesterday he had hesitated before even eating without permission, this was the thing he was waiting for now! But... A permission to actually move?! Who would actually forbid him from moving?! How terrible is that!

- Are you waiting for me to tell you that you can get out of there? - I raised an eyebrow. Boy, we would certainly need to work on that, just one thought of Romeo humuliating himself like that was like a stab in my chest. And seing him so wary was like about twenty eight stabs.
My roommate nodded weakly, his eyes staring into mine. Good, good, at least we're over that "no eye contact" rule.

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