Chapter 46. Silent Days

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Xara's POV.

I took another sip of the milk and frowned in dissatisfaction. It wasn't warm anymore. The warmth went away and took with it a little bit of its taste, something that made the liquid so special.

I sighed and attempted to untangle myself from the blanket to go heat uo the milk, but Romeo was faster. In one smooth and fast motion he pushed himself up on his feet, his hand pressing on my shoulder. His grey eyes were tinted with worry.

"Xara, really, you don't have to move." He explained silently and patiently, as if I was sick. Wasn't I, though? Maybe his treatment wasn't that wrong. "I-I'll get you anything you want, okay? Don't worry about it, it's alright."

I purched my lips but allowed him to take the cup out of my hands, careful not to accidentally touch his fingers. He was being so astronomically kind to me, I didn't even know how to repay his kindness. On the other hand, we both knew that all of this was just a mask, so we were kind of even.

"Alright, I'll go warm it up a little." The guy nodded as he clearly understood what I had wanted to say. "Do-do you need anything else? Should I cook us some breakfast or something?"

I thought about it. It was clearly midday, and I didn't feel like having breakfast now of all times because I wouldn't get hungry for lunch. And lunch seemed to be more important, so I shook my head.

"You can eat if you want to." I said with a small smile. "I'll wait a little."

Romeo nodded, giving me a smile, and dissapeared in the kitchen. I sighed and snuggled deeper into the warm blanket, feeling sleepy all of a sudden. Not that I would go to sleep now of all times, heck no! Now was the time I had to spend with Romeo, because very soon, well... Very soon I would regret every second I had spent away from him.

"There you go." My companion walked closer to me and I noticed with a bit of surprise that the moment I heard his voice something lept inside of me. "Be careful though, I might've made it a little too hot."

I thanked him with a smile and a short nod. He smiled back and handed me the cup, bringing it too close to my face, as if he wanted me to drink right from his hands. Yeah. I took it myself, though, and sipped. The milk was not too warm, as he had been scared, but not cold either. The best temperature there was.

With me being in that state of bliss it took me a while to notice that Romeo settled down on the floor beside the couch. He has actually got pretty comfortable there, sitting with his legs crossed and his hands folded on his lap, his beloved blanket draped over his shoulders like always. I glanced at the sofa next to me - there was plenty of space there, why did he sit down on the floor? Wasn't he cold?

"You-you can sit here." I nodded towards the space close to me and even scooted to make it bigger. "I don't think it's that comfortable on the floor."

The guy blinked, shook his head and stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed. It was pretty darn obvious he hadn't been listening.

"Hmm?" He tilted his head rather amusingly. At least I couldn't hide a smile at the motion. "Oh - sorry - do you need something?"

I only laughed a little and shook my head. When had my mood changed so fast? I... I didn't think I had ever laughed and smiled as much as I did now, well, maybe when Fred was still alive. Now there was the same bubble inside me, the one that had been burst the night I lost my powers. The same bubble was here, now, again, and I didn't know what to think of it.

It was good, right? Well, it felt good and warm and soft, but after so much time spent in isolation it was a natural reaction of me to mistrust that bubble immediatelly. How much would it hurt when it has to be burst too? How long would it take me to pick up the pieces of my heart once again and learn to live after Romeo goes away from me?

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