Chapter 13. Shopping

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Xara's POV.

Romeo was smiling all while I was mentally preparing myself  to go to the Town. I didn't know what had made him so excited and happy, but it wasn't like I had something against it. Truthfully, I was even glad to see his smile after everything he and I had been through. And I was even more glad to see that this smile was anything like the one he'd had the night he killed Fred. That one was mad and cruel. This one, though...

This one made me feel like everything I did had some purpose.

One good thing about John Doe: at least he was decent enough to give us a plenty of money. My eyes widened at the big pile of iron, gold and even diamonds. It was so long since I had seen any of these things! But what was their price? Sure, diamonds were probably more expensive than gold, but what could I buy for them?

I didn't know. And I really didn't think Romeo knew, considering he hadn't had an opportunity to go shopping or something. And so, we'd have to take it all with us. And, because of this, it would probably be a good idea to make a list of what we would buy, otherways we might waste all of it on something useless. But... We didn't have a feather or anything else to write with, and my memory wasn't safe to trust now.

- Romeo? - I called and he immediately turned to me. - There's something I want you to remember.
- O-okay. - He came closer, and I suddenly found my muscles stiff and unable to move. - What-uh-what is it?
I shook the sudden numbness off(what the hell was that?!) and folded my arms:
- Just some things we need to get. Um...
I realised I didn't know anything about cooking. He was the one who did that, not me. Heck, I didn't even know what ingredients he would need to cook!

- What food will we need? - I asked. Romeo frowned and looked behind him, as if thinking I had been talking to somebody else. I raised an eyebrow at his confusion. What was going on in that head of his?
- You ask... - He gulped. - M-me?
- It's not like there's somebody else here, is it? - I scoffed. - You're the responsible one for our meals. What do you think you'll cook?

He rubbed the back of his head.
- Umm... - Romeo looked down on the floor. - I can-I could try to make a salad, um, pizza, sandwiches, uh, what else... Pancakes, yeah, I think I could do those. And, w-well, cookies.
I nodded in thought. Although I had never heard of "pizza" before, that seemed to be just enough for the two of us to last less than a week.

- Think you can keep the ingredients in mind? - I asked to make sure. Much to my relief, he nodded. - Good, we're also going to need a new glass and some bandages. Remember those?
Romeo frowned and whispered something to himself. Although I could only see his lips moving, I didn't hear a thing. Okay, I surely hoped he wouldn't forget everything. I really wouldn't want to go there again.

- I guess it's time to get moving, huh? - I put the envelope with money in my pocket. For the last time looked at the handcuffs in thought, before deciding against them and getting a key to the shack. Romeo followed me out of the building and waited patiently as I was locking the door. His expression was weird.
- What is it? - I asked, putting the keys into another pocket and walking down. He only shook his head and turned away, looking at the lake before us.

- Romeo? - My levels of irritation rose slightly because I still got no answer. - What. Is. It?
Again, he simply shook his head, but I think I caught a word "stupid" coming from his mouth.
- Alright, you know, what? - I grabbed his shoulder and forcefully turned him around. My enemy's dark eyes looked down on the ground, and yet, he still made no attempt to get away from me. - If you carry on with this behavior, I'm locking you in that bathroom without light.

Instantly Romeo flinched and looked up on me, shaking so slightly I almost didn't feel it. Almost.
- N-n-no. - He shook his head, his voice coming back to it's "whisper" state. - N-no, p-please, I'll-I'll be good, I promise, I will-
- Then talk. - I growled and let go of his shoulder. - I want to know what's going on in that head of yours, and I want to know it right now.

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