Chapter 64. Too Tight

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Xara's POV.

We were both sitting in the living room, doing nothing and enjoying each other's company. I was hugging my knees and looking out of the window at the nature all around us. It was rather peaceful, honestly, and the sun had just slimbed all the way to the top of the sky. I knew what it meant now - it would hand around there for an hour or so and then slowly begin to descend until its warm light is replaced by the chilly light of the moon and its henchmen, stars. Was I getting poetic?

"You're so timid." Romeo whispered and I held back a smile, leaning more against his knees so that he didn't have to pull on my hair too much. He wasn't braiding it or anything like this, merely playing around with it and messing it up. Not that I had anything against it anyway, combing my hair was really easy if I washed my head at least once in a few days. Much easier that the time I just exited the Underneath!

"I'm just thinking, that's all." I shrugged and exhaled in satisfaction and pure pleasure when I felt him move strands of my hair around again. "This world probably changes me as well... Haven't felt this good or comfortable in forever."

"Of course this place has changed you!" The guy laughed and very lightly tugged on my hair, making me simply lay my head down on his knees. His legs behind my back supported all of my weight, but he didn't seem to mind. "I mean... Just think about what you would've done to me if I tried to touch your hair the day I came here."

I frowned and closed my eyes. What would I do? Well, I would've slapped his hands away, that's for sure, then shouted at him for being overly friendly with me, then... If I were particularly angry I would've even pulled on his hair to make a point and make sure he didn't try anything like this again. In the end my companion would've been crying or sobbing or just simply shaking with fear like he used to do...

And now we were here. And his fingers had touched almost every inch of my hair, brushed it and pulled on it a billion times now, and yet I wasn't angry at him. He was speaking bravely and looking in my eyes with challenge from time to time, and yet I knew I could trust he wouldn't do anything I wouldn't approve of.

"Okay, I definitely wouldn't have been this nice to you." I agreed and sighed when his hand massaged my head for a moment. There was no actual physical contact, his fingertips never touched my skin, so it was okay for both of us. "Speaking of it... Can you remember when I even became this nice to you?"

I definitely couldn't. It felt like during this week I had either wanted to kill Romeo or to lock him in a tight hug and never let go. Nothing in-between.

"I think it was after you tried to drown me." He replied, and even with my back turned towards him I could hear that wide grin in his face. "That's when you realised I was actually mortal and could die if you did something wrong, so... That's when we abandoned the handcuffs and I was given this plaid anyway, and those were pretty important events for me."

Yeah, I suppose he was correct about everything. Other than the fact that I had tried to drown him - it was an accident, I had thought he could swim - but that was most definitely only said to make a smile cross my face. It worked.

"Is this thing actually soft?" I turned my head to look at the guy, as a result yanking my hair out of his hands. He sighed and leaned back against the side of the sofa, his fingers twitching a little like he was still messing my strands up. Just like always, his red plaid was thrown over his shoulders. He did wear all the time these days. Was it because of the fact that the plaid was so warm and soft or because it wasn't white?

"I..." My friend fiddled with the fabric and frowned, as if only now realising what he had been wearing as a cape all this time. "Sure, it's soft and warm, yeah. Why?"

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