Chapter 50. Questions And Answers

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Give it up for the chapter number 50! Fun fact, this story was supposed to be 15-20 chapters.... AHEM.

Xara's POV.

I almost groaned, my head lying on the Beck of the couch and my brain weakly pulsing in my skull, not able to bear the pressure of thinking so much. The last half an hour or so Romeo had been asking and asking and asking me things non-stop, and at some point I began to suspect that he was making some of them up. There was no way I was supposed to know so many people and remember so many events!

"I don't remember." I growled at him once again. "It's not like my memory can keep the name of the first song I had heard, Romeo! Give me a break, I'm just a mortal!"

"Physically, yes." He sighed and stretched his back, glancing at the window sadly. I rolled my eyes. If he wanted to go out that much, why were we still here doing such a stupid thing?! Was it really expected of me to remember every teeny-tiny detail about my extraordinary long life?!

"B-but losing your powers hasn't affected your mind." My friend explained patiently. "Your memory should be as clear as day."

"It's literally impossible to demand that from me!" I exclaimed, rubbing my forehead. Constant thinking gave me quite a headache, which I had to thank Romeo for. "Come on, even Admins can't remember everything! Besides, are you even sure that your memories are correct?! For all we know, you could've mistaken some people for others and-"

"My memory is fine, Xara!" My friend brushed his fingers through his hair nervously, his breaths slow and deep as if to calm him down. "I don't mistake one people for others. I don't get confused in dates or in wars. It's you who we should take care about!"

"What if it isn't the best solution, huh?" I snapped at him, extremely tired and frustrated. "Maybe it's better not to mess with my mind and just accept that it works the way it does? I can remember the most important of events very well, I remember when we first met, when we watched the first sunset, I... I remember when you killed Fred."

We both winced at that and I made sure my voice stopped trembling before going on: "L-listen, you can't really expect me to remember the third person who greeted me or the reason you had woken me up three years and eight months before building our towns. It's impossible!"

And then the guy looked at me so sadly, that my heart began to ache all over again. I wanted to shout at him, it was unfair! It was unfair that he treated me like this, it was unfair that he was making me go through all that emotional torture. I mean, come on, I couldn't stand seing such a dissapontment sweep over his face every time I made even the slightest mistake!

Maybe it would go much better if we were outside, with fresh air and redstone and the cool wind in my hair. I sighed and closed my eyes, frowning at the headache. Whyyy?!

"But it helps me track the progress of your disease." Romeo tried to reason with me, although judging by his voice it was easy to guess that the whole process wasn't any less tiring for him. "Listen, it's the only way we can see how bad it is! I-I don't want any more of those breakdowns when you forget someone as important as Petra... Wh-what was Fred's favorite berry?"

At thsi, I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't just sit there in the house, away from the sunlight, when the needed air was so so so close to me! Not to mention that another minute of such an interrogation - and I definitely would've exploded, burst into either angry yells or... Nope, just angry yells. It wasn't like I would just start crying all of a sudden.

"Black currant." I replied tiredly, standing up from my seat and heading towards the exit. My roommate stared at me, his grey eyes wide in shock, and even jumped turned to see me better. "And for my sake, just get it over with! I can't take anymore."

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